Were the Doctor and Rose doing it?

Aug 23, 2008 10:30

This question just popped up on my friends list, and as it's Saturday, and I've nothing to do and no writing projects going on and WAAAY too much coffee in my system, I've decided to fanwank about this a bit...

First, a poll:


In my personal canon, the answer is a big #1 - yes, they totally were.

If I had to put my finger on when it started...well, that's a toughie. I don't believe Nine and Rose ever fucked; they thought about it, yeah. She adored him and obviously considered their relationship special ("I thought me'n him were...and then he goes and does this."), and wasn't above getting visibly jealous over Lynda-with-a-Y. He was fiercely protective of her and famously very jealous: one of the most heartwrenching scenes of memory, and very telling I think, was Nine watching her walk away with Mickey on the monitor, then getting all flustered when Jack called him on it. He loved her so much it, literally, killed him...but I don't think they ever crossed that line. To be blunt: Nine was an older-looking man, and I think that Rose, while attracted to him, was just a little freaked out at the obvious age difference. Not only was he ridiculously older than her, but he looked it, and for a 19-year-old girl, that was just a bit too much to process. And honestly, I don't think Nine would have gone through with it even if she had put the moves on him. It just wasn't where his head was at.

But then: regeneration. And suddenly the 900-year-old alien looks like a much younger bloke (honestly, at the beginning of Season 2, Ten looked in his mid-to-late 20's, IMO. Losing Rose aged him...I don't know if this was a conscious make-up choice, as the hair definitely seems to have something to do with it, or if this is just David, y'know, aging as people will do, but between S2 and S3, he seemed to have put on about 10 years overnight), acts like a much younger bloke - Cassandra calls her on it immediately, that she's been looking, that she likes it and thinks he's foxy. But not only that, he's...softer, somehow. Sillier. More approachable. Nine says he's coming to get her from the middle of a Dalek fleet, and you can tell she's thinking "Oh you poor Dalek bastards." Ten stumbles drunkenly into a room filled with like six clockwork robots, and when he manages to take them out you can tell Rose is just a tiny bit surprised. He's much more human, to her (of course, we know better): he listens to rock music, he loves the Muppets, he tolerates her mother, he gets along with Mickey. And he still obviously loves her to death, though he has a funny way of showing it sometimes.

Her reaction, or rather lack of reaction to the whole Reinette fiasco leads me to believe that they had been intimate at that point. She's just completely unconcerned about this beautiful woman that the Doctor is paying a lot of attention to - a far cry from her reaction to Lynda, or even Sarah Jane. She's not territorial at all anymore, which makes me think the unresolved sexual tension had, at that point, been resolved. At least once. And Ten's uncharacteristic fawning all over Reinette could be interpreted as him being just the slightest bit weirded out by the fact that he's shagged one of his companions. Of course, then things go all pear-shaped after GitF, when he actually abandons Rose, and suddenly in RotC/AoS she's back to not only being territorial when the Doctor mentions Lucy, but hanging all over him and letting him hang all over her in front of Mickey, very obviously stating with their body language "She's mine" and "I'm his". With Mickey gone, I like to think that they progressed to a pretty regular physical relationship. Certainly, after those two episodes, whatever physical boundaries that remained between them seem to have dissolved completely.

Of course, we have David's infamous comments about "Obviously they weren't shagging in the TARDIS. That would be weird." Well...why? They live there. Humans have to sleep, so presumably there are beds there. They are, for all intents and purposes, a man and a woman sharing living quarters - what's so weird about the idea of them having sex? The thing is, David is an old school Who fan. Of COURSE he can't wrap his head around the idea, because he's coming from a much different Who generation than, at least yours truly is. He has no problem with the Doctor being in love with Rose, but he can't quite take that final step to think of them, *gasp* DOING IT, because in his mind the Doctor just doesn't do that with his companions.

Anyway. Obviously I have NO LIFE and have put way too much thought into this, but I'm curious as to whether I'm totally offbase here.



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