Therapy: Week 1

Jan 30, 2012 14:42

Fandom: Sherlock
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Kink: None
Summary: Sherlock and John head for couples counseling
Warning: None

Sherlock Holmes.

John Watson.

Lily Jones recalled the names from about three years ago, the huge scandal about the detective who was a fraud. Her receptionist had lamented the fact that his genius was faked but admired his good looks all the same. Lily had found the file on her desk just that morning with a note from her partner begging her to take over because Sherlock Holmes refused to co-operate.

That was why the two men were sitting together on the sofa in front of her right now.

Lily abandoned her usual position from behind her desk and took the chair opposite them. She looked at them carefully for a long moment, taking note of the way Sherlock had his hand sandwiched between their thighs and the way John looked sad and a little relieved. Both were committed to this relationship. Sherlock was possessive but John was not touching Sherlock so Sherlock must have done something to piss John off.

"Sherlock Holmes. The Sherlock Holmes?" Lily queried with an arched eyebrow. Both men's defenses went up immediately.

"What of it?" John demanded aggressively. Lily shrugged. The doctor was very protective of Sherlock. Probably due to a recent incident or series of incidents.

"Nothing, just amazed to see his cheekbones in person." She said lightly with a smile. Sherlock seemed genuinely surprised for a moment. Ah, not used to compliments. John stared for a second, then relaxed. He wasn't used to people complimenting Sherlock either.

"We don't need, counseling." Sherlock ground out through gritted teeth. "I will not take advice from some, practitioner." He spat the word 'advice' as if it pained him to ask for it. Pride, confidence, probably why David gave up on him. Lily didn't think she'd last too long either. John gave Sherlock a look. Sherlock subsided considerably, choosing to sulk instead.

"John, you're an ex army doctor, is that correct?" Lily asked. The doctor nodded.

"Sherlock's a consulting detective." He muttered under his breath as if he resented it. Lily 'aah'ed in her mind. This was about classic trust issues which were linked to their jobs. The incident - or incidents - were linked to Sherlock's job. She folded her arms.

"Okay, let me see if I can get this right." Lily took a deep breath.

"You did something really reckless." Lily said to Sherlock.

"You worried like hell." She said to John. "You were separated for a while but Sherlock came back, explained everything, but John still worries."

Both men were silent for a little too long. Lily thought for a brief second that she might have been totally off the mark.

"Alright, I'll take advice from her." Sherlock muttered sullenly to John. Lily rejoiced inwardly.

"So, what did he-"

"He died."


"I took your bloody pulse you were fucking dead."

"I told you I had it under control!"

"Would it have killed you just to tell me beforehand?! A note?! A fucking text would have done! I don't know! Used the bloody cipher to leave some sign or something that-"

"It wouldn't have worked! He would have found out somehow and he would have hurt you!"

Okay, so maybe not such a good idea to attack the elephant in the room straightaway. Lily actually was leaning back from the ferocity of how the two men argued. Both of them were standing and shouting at each other. Lily was really glad that her room was soundproofed.

"SIT. DOWN." She said loudly. They ignored her.

"I mourned your fake dead arse for a year! I nearly ruined my friendship with Molly and Sarah because of you!"

"I thought you would have realised that I wasn't really-"

"Dead?! Well, this man has no pulse! Obviously he faked his death HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW."

Lily slammed the biggest tome in her shelf onto the table. The bang startled them both into silence.

"Sherlock." Lily began, rubbing the bridge of her nose, adding communication problems to her mental list. That blow-up should have happened in private.

"Sherlock, apologize." She said. The taller man practically tried to light her on fire with his eyes alone but Lily gave him a pointed stare. For a genius, he wasn't too bright in matters of the heart. Sherlock straightened his jacket uncomfortably and looked down at his shoes for a moment before looking right at John.

"I'm sorry, John. Really, I truly am." Sherlock said softly. All the anger seemed to bleed out of John. Lily was guessing that he hadn't expected to hear those words from Sherlock at all.

"When did he come back?" Lily asked. John didn't seem to hear her. He was staring at Sherlock with ill-concealed emotion.

"John," Lily said louder. "When did he come back?!" She asked again. John seemed to jerk himself out of a reverie.

"A month ago." Sherlock replied for John, more subdued now that the tension between them had dissipated. "I came back a month ago and we started seeing counselors a week after that."

"Four therapists in three weeks." John muttered, more to himself than to anyone else. Lily was tempted to be remembered as number five. She could tell that they had a lot of trust issues due to a lot of 'incidents'. The faked death had just been the tipping point. To make things worse, Sherlock hadn't apologized. Not directly, anyway. Indirect apologies worked sometimes, but most times, the other party had to hear the words out loud. What was he, an eight year old?

"Sit." Lily gestured to the sofa again. John sat down. Sherlock looked as if he wanted to plonk himself down on top of the doctor but instead took his place, just a hairs breadth away from John. It was tearing him up more than he cared to admit. Lily steeled herself and turned to Sherlock.

"Sherlock, you're very smart, aren't you?" Lily asked.

"He's bloody brilliant." John said with a snort. Lily glared him into silence.

"For one week, you will tell John everything you did everyday, regardless of whether you think he can handle it or not." She said quietly. "Even if it seems obvious, I want you to tell him everything. Everything from what you're going to do after breakfast, how you felt when he went to the store or whatever your deductions on the case. Tell him, before doing anything else. Alright?"

Sherlock folded his arms across his chest, clearly resenting her input. However, he did give Lily a stiff nod. It probably seemed like a small thing to him but Lily hoped it would help. John looked at her expectantly as if expecting a similar assignment.

"If he forgets, remind him." Lily told him.

The two men looked at each other.

"And no distracting each other with sex." Lily interjected. Sherlock looked guilty, as if he was was genuinely contemplating doing exactly that.

Three knocks sounded on the door and Tara opened it.

"Miss Jones, the Willoughbys are here." the receptionist said, taking a chance to give Sherlock the once over. Lily cleared her throat pointedly.

"I'll be right with them." Lily said, turning her attention to the male couple.

"So, next week?" She asked.

John nodded stiffly. He haltingly took Sherlock's hand and led the taller man out of the room. Sherlock seemed delighted at the linking of their digits. He barely noticed Tara at all. Lily rubbed her temples then went out to greet the Willoughbys.

Week 2

unfinished, therapy, couple, john, sherlock, sherlock/john, fanfiction

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