So I’ve been meaning to do this for a long time now, (RL being pretty distracting for a change) but now that I haz yay news! (that is the new season 2 of Iron Man: Armored Adventures is finally going to start airing in the US come next week) and I finally have some free(-ish) time, I thought it was a good time to get this done.
A non-spoilery pimp post aka Why This Particular teen!Tony Is Really Quite Awesome! )
Comments 41
So I Netflix'd the crap out of this series just yesterday because of unexpected!day off and I really liked it!
When I first started watching this series, my reservations were basically twofold:
Pepper. She's not really Pepper, and though I could see almost everyone else growing up to basically become the characters I recognize as adults, I don't think IM:AA!Pepper will ever EVER be the Pepper I know and love so much, and that made me sad until I got over it. Not to say I don't <3 this adorable redhead with Pepper's name, but she seriously isn't Pepper. I think I would've ( ... )
Huh, I hadn't thought about comics!Pepper. Well, I had, but I got into Iron Man via the movies, so I've been reading mostly the later things. Though, you're right, MA!Pepper is way feistierthan movie!Pepper or later comics!Pepper, now that I think about it (Marvel Adventures being the only continuity I've done extensive reading in, because it's compact and so so cute). Yeah, I kinda heart HappyxPepper myself (especially the movie versions because--ADORABLE. Although in the movie!verse I sort of threesome NatashaxPepperxHappy).
I had that same problem with One Piece! I never did get very far into it, but that's mostly because I had trouble getting the episodes to work on my dying-at-the-time computer and then completely got distracted by something else shiny and wandered off ( ... )
LOL, I'm more of a manga reader myself. I don't think I'd have been able to sit through the art long enough to learn to love it, if I'd been watching the anime either.
Huh, I thought they were totally setting up Rhodey/Whitney in canon? With the whole glances in class and the thing where Rhodey is pretending to be Tony thing? I could be totally wrong though...
Lol, I agree with your analysis of Tony. B...but Johnny would be a little kiiiiiid! D: (Lol, ignore... I'm sort of anal about generations and stuff, so in my head-canon Sue is the Tony's age-mate among the FF-person. I also, refuse to accept that Fury's inexplicably Russian accented lieutenant is Maria Hill. That is Black Widow dammit and Maria Hill is still in school, dreaming of being on SHIELD!)
PS: Where the hell is you icon quote from?! And who says this!?
I like the series--a lot more than I expected to. The voice acting is fantastic (which makes up for the fact that the CG-animated faces can't emote very subtly). I LOVE Rhodey and I really really love Tony. I love this Tony's quiet, steady determination and obvious goodness. I love that Rhodey gets to yell at him about battle tactics and I love that Pepper is so smart and so crazy and so violent, and that all of them can be really intelligent and then really stupid in a believable way, and I LOVE the parents! I love Rhodey's mom and Pepper's dad, and I even love Howard, and I NEVER love Howard ( ... )
Anyway, my verdict is still in the air for Howard (I too have a rather raging hate-on for most versions of Howard) until I see exactly what's up with all the secretly-made-weapons-all-along! thing, but yeah, this is definitely the best-dad Howard has been across the multiverse. I have a theory, that the only thing which can shake Howard out of his asshole ways, is the death of Maria, so poor Tony only gets a decent-ish dad, when his mom is dead. D: (Hence, IMAA and also Ultimates, I think?)
As for the spoiler thing, I'm not too sure about it either, but idk maybe Howard refused to talk? Or maybe, the Mandarin that kidnapped Howard was Zhang and Gene was just trying to screw with Tony and he doesn't actually know where he's been kept? I got nothing, though... Hopefully this season will clarify stuff?
They sort of talked about that in one of the later episodes, didn't they? "Built For Chaos" or something like that? Tony had a conversation with Rhodey's mom (whose name I've just forgotten) that was very sweet. What I thought was an asshole-ish move was his whole "if you don't keep your grades up in a school system that I've basically taught you to view with contempt for most of your life YOU DON'T GET MY COMPANY SO THERE!!" I mean, I sort of see where he's coming from, and why he thought that was a good idea, but it was still pretty dumb, and a little mean, given the circumstances (since it was in his will, it's basically like, "Son, I know you're reeling with grief and your whole life has likely been thrown into chaos but SKOOL R IMPORTANT and sometimes life sucks. So, like, deal with it or whatever. Okay, peace out! I'm going to go get some heavenly nookie from your mom ( ... )
I Absolutely LOVE IM:AA-- to the point where I even came up with an Iron Man: Armored AVENGERS plot. And with that plot in mind: I created an LJ community: ( imaa_rp ) It is focused to bring in the Avengers, mostly to have our Tony/Steve pairing. That's beside the point, though.
Totally agree with you on how awesome IM:AA is. You said it all, and that is all that needs to be said. :D
That sounds really interesting! I'm hoping this season will have Jan and Hank atleast, if not the Avengers. Jan could be a new student or something and Hank is the new TA? (He's supposed to be a bit older than the rest, iirc). Hmm, maybe they could do the avenging-Jan's-father plot... Anyway, more cameos in the vein of Black Panther and the Hulk would be so awesome. I'm keeping my fingers crossed over here! (Heh, given the closeness to the Cap movie, I wouldn't be surprised if we get atleast a couple of nods in that direction too...)
Short answer, nope!
Long answer (because I like the... look of my words?) -> I'm not very (or at all) involved in the fandom for this thing, but I think most of it is over at and yes, Pepper/Tony dominates the fic, but no it's not canon. Tony comes across rather uninterested and clueless when it comes to romance, and while he definitely has emotional connections / evidence of shippy-ness with Pepper, and you get the feeling that the PTB *might* try to push it in the future, there is no canon as of now.
In fact, talking about canon, I personally see much more 'canon evidence' of romantic feelings (as opposed to the 'this person is important to me' vibes I get for Tony/Everyone) for Pepper/Gene and Rhodey/Whitney than anything else, tbh.
As for the actual cartoon, I've been kind of intrigued for a long time, but two things put me off. One, the animation; CG is pretty unattractive. Admittedly I've been doubtful about animation before; I was initially very "meh" about both Super Hero Squad Show and Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, but was won over because they are AWESOME.
So that shouldn't really stop me from watching, although a cynical part of me can't help but go "no cartoon you've ever watched before has been CGI". |D
The second problem is really of a practical nature: I have no idea how to get it. XD I'm still computer illiterate (I live on Megaupload links from Tumblr to get my Doctor Who fill). I could buy it, the entire first season is relatively cheap, but question is if it's worth it. *Ponders ( ... )
Regarding the CG, I know it can get a little taking use to, but looking at it as a stylistic choice makes it (for me atleast) not a problem anymore. And the voice acting and characterizations are so awesome that it ceases to matter and by then, of course, the strangeness has become charmingly endearing.
I myself watched it through the links collected on, but I think that watching the season as-it-airs will be easier thanks to ( ... )
Yeah, a lot of published books and TV shows are really fanfiction. And yet, fic is often frowned upon by "real" authors and writers; I think it's more a question of elitism that some disguise as contempt for unoriginality. This gets to me in the superhero genre in particular since the majority of published comics there are in fact fanfiction about characters created decades ago by other authors, some of them dead by now ( ... )
LOL, I hear you about the comic book industry. But then, I don't think there is as much stigma attached to fanart or fan-creation in this canon, is there?
And Oh Man! I am so <3 Iron Age! IC-Tony FTW! :D
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