Title: The World Devoured
Author: fictionfreak15
gwencarmichael Series: The Bad Romance
Warnings: language, angst
Pairing: Adam/Tommy
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em. This did not happen. I only write fiction.
Summary: After surviving a vicious attack, Adam and Tommy recover in the hospital. Adam misses Tommy, and feels like he'll never be happy again until he
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Comments 14
Also, I cried the whole first part of this chap. But they were happy tears 'cause Monte was being so nice to him. But if Adam starts that self doubting shit again, I'mma slap him upside the head. I can understand the self doubt, but they like you Adam, accept it. :)
I came, I flailed, I issued death threats. Mission accomplished. LOL! Love this 'verse so much, as if you didn't know. Love you, babe, and I look forward to the last chap. Hugs, dani <3333333
It'll take time, honey. It's hard to go your whole life thinking you're not worth shit and then believe it when someone tells you that you're cool. He has fallbacks, but he'll get there, don't worry.
Yes, wouldn't expect anything else! I might be wrong, but this should be the last time Neil pisses you off. Thank you for coming back, Bestie. I love you! *glomps*
Yeah, I know it'll take time and work for him to accept the fact that people actually like him. But I still feel like I should shake him and make him understand that he is a great person and people love him :)
I'm glad to hear about Neil 'cause otherwise I might have to invest in a punching bag. ;P I love you sooooooo much, wifey! *glomps back* <3333333
Thanks again, bb!
Deb <333
Thank you so much for giving it a chance. I know it's heavy, but thank you! <33333333333
Hugs and if I don't get a chance to talk to you again in the next few days, have a great weekend
Deb <333
PS just yawned again and its 11:12am! LOL
Hopefully you've read some other fics that made you feel better! :):):):) Thanks again! And talk to you later!
<33 Caris
Thank you for reading, Robin and for your encouraging comments as always *big huggles* <3333
Thank you so much for coming back here, Caroline! *hugs*:) Hope to have the next part real soon. I think you'll like it.
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