Fic - The Most Important Question (H/G, PG-13)

Aug 11, 2008 07:59

Title: The Most Important Question
Author: lunalovepotter
Pairing: H/G
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1085
Summary/Prompt: Your everlasting patience will be rewarded sooner or later.
Notes: Written for the Fortune Cookie Challenge at hpgw_otp. Thanks Vixx for the beta! :)

"Tell me." Ginny glared at Harry from across the dining table.

"No," Harry replied calmly, making a show of slowly turning the page of the Daily Prophet. "Wow, look at this, there's trouble with exploding toilets again. I wonder if your dad knows about it...?"

"Come on, give me a hint!"

"No, you'll just have to be patient."

Ginny groaned in exasperation. Patience was not one of her strong suits, particularly when it came to Harry, and especially when it came to her birthday present. Harry had been wearing a maddeningly smug expression on his face all week, and she was absolutely sure it had to do with her birthday, which was coming up in two days. Making matters worse, Ron was in on it; last weekend when he and Hermione had come for dinner, she'd seen the two men conferring in low voices with their heads bent together, and they'd snapped to attention the minute she came in the room. Hermione had been left out of the loop, because despite her stubborn facade, she was probably the easiest person for Ginny to crack when it came to secrets, and both Harry and Ron were well aware of this. Ron had grown adept at keeping things to himself now that he was a fully trained Auror, much to the chagrin of both his wife and his sister.

"Aurors," Ginny muttered thickly, her eyes burning into the front page of the paper behind which she could hear Harry snickering. He just about drove her mad; he was the only one who could do it and that drove her even madder. She sighed.

"All right, then I guess I'll go shower," she said innocently. "I'm meeting Hermione later."

"All right, then," Harry echoed.

"You're sure you don't want to tell me?"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure."

Ginny rose from her chair. Feeling mischievous, she made her way around the table until she stood right behind Harry. His shoulders tensed beneath his t-shirt, but he made no move to acknowledge her. She tickled the back of his neck, and then rifled her fingers up through his shaggy black hair. "You absolutely sure?"

Harry cleared his throat. He rustled the paper, and then turned the page. He set it down on the table. "Give it up, Ginny. I'm not telling you."

"Harry, it's my birthday. It's a big deal."

"Oh, I know it is love. That's why it's a surprise."

Ginny bent lower to kiss his neck. His skin was warm and slightly damp. "Nervous, are we?"

"Not in the least."

"Not even a little?" she whispered, sliding her hands over his shoulders and down his chest. She leaned over with her breasts pressed into his back. Harry's body instantly reacted, as she'd known it would. But instead of giving in, he dropped the paper and he snatched up her hands, just as they were about to close over the bulge in his trousers.

"Not even a little," he said. He stood up, still holding her wrists. His eyes glinted, and a soft blush entered his cheeks. "But believe me, it'll be worth the wait. You just have to be patient for two more days."

"Is it a trip? At least tell me that. Are you taking me somewhere?"

Harry's mouth twitched. "No."

"You git, you are taking me somewhere!" she cried with delight. "Now come on, Harry, tell me. Please? You know you want to."

"I know no such thing, Miss Weasley." Harry kissed each of her hands, and then released them. Then he winked at her.


"Ginny, go take a shower. Aren't you meeting Hermione soon?"


Harry sat back down and opened the paper. "That's all you'll get out of me," he declared.



"Oh, bloody hell," Ginny muttered thickly. She heard Harry chuckle as she stalked off to the shower.

* * *

Ginny's eyes fluttered open and she stretched her arms above her head, exhaling blissfully. It took her a moment to realize that she wasn't in her own bed; in fact, she wasn't inside at all. She was lying on a blanket in the grass, with a canopy of leaves overhead. Startled, she sat up abruptly.


There was no answer except for the rustle of the trees, and the babbling of a nearby but as yet unseen brook. A flock of birds swept across the sky, which was clear blue and dotted with soft billowy clouds.


"I'm right here, love." Harry was leaning on the tree behind her wearing jeans and a dark green shirt, watching her with an air of bemusement.

"How did - where are we?"

"Are you surprised?" He stepped forward, hands extended. She took his hands and he pulled her close. "Happy birthday," he whispered, nudging her ear with his lips.

"Thank you." Ginny smiled, and she draped her arms around his neck. "Now tell me where we are?"

"We're alone."

"I know, but where-?"

Harry put his finger to her mouth to quiet her. Then while she watched in astonishment, he dropped to his knee and lifted a small box out of his pocket. When he looked up, his eyes were rimmed with tears. "I thought about doing this in front of your family, but then I decided I'd rather do it this way..."

"Oh Merlin, oh sweet Merlin..." Ginny's knees began to tremble, so she sank down to the ground slowly until she was eye level with him. Her throat was tight, and her heart was racing. "You're not really...are you...?"

"I love you, Ginny. Will you marry me?"

"You are," she sighed, and tears welled in her eyes making him nothing but a blur of black and green. She hurriedly wiped them away. "I-I don't know what to say..."

"Yes would be good, I think," Harry said with a wink. His voice caught slightly on the first word, and he swallowed hard. Ginny cupped his cheek with her hand, and leaned in to kiss him.

"You're nervous?" she whispered.

"Erm,'s not like it's the most important question I'll ever ask or anything like that now, is it?" he chuckled.

"Well it's the most important question I'll ever answer, and I'm not nervous at all."

"All right then, how about you answer it?" Harry said hopefully.

Ginny smiled. "Yes," she said.

h/g, fic

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