Title: Save Me Part 1 of 5
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character/s: John and Elizabeth
Prompt: #071 "Instead"
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG (for tiny violence?)
Time Line: Somewhere in my fantasy season 4 or 5, spoiler obvious.
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 ------------------------------------------------
They had underestimated the people of Lumina, who never once showed any sign of hostility.
Elizabeth had been distracted by John's confession and her hesitance on an answer that she never saw it coming.
They took her first before they started shooting the others.
She heard him screaming, "No! Take me, take me instead!"
And then, more gunshots pierced the air.
Elizabeth felt her world slow down as she heard him yell, "I'll come back for you!"
But the words 'take me instead' were still ringing in her ears; along with the 'I love you' she didn't get to say.
Table can be found on my LJ -
A/N: The next five drabbles that I'll be posting are for
pixilove66 who was very sad at the fact that my son is M.I.A. (I swear, I'm crossing him out of my will) and hasn't picked ANY drabbles yet >.> and I did say I'd base some of my drabble picking posts on my darling beta's (
xfirefly9x) comments on them, but Sam put up a good argument, "What if your son is still missing and Mer's comments stop?" So, here, five drabbles for you. Sparky love!
BTW: If there's any drabbles you guys have read that you'd like to see sequels of or elaborations (short piecies and such), go to
Ani(Me) and Krista's(Muse) Cookie Jar. You don't have to... totally optional *snorts*