Title: Behind Watching Eyes (Part 5/7)
Rating: PG
Genre: (mainly) Fluff, Humour
Pairing: YeWook (in this chapter)
Summary: Leeteuk always checks on his dongsaengs to make sure everything's all right. And turns out, someone's been sneaking around...
Disclaimer: None of these 13 amazingly talented guys belong to me.
Author's note:This is just something I decided to write out of boredom. :) So, sorry if some of this is just babble.
The fic was inspired by the following macro:
Well, enjoy! :D
(Part One) ~
(Part Two) ~
(Part Three) ~
(Part Four) "Leave me alone, hyung!" Ryeowook said, slamming the bathroom door shut.
Yesung and Leeteuk stood outside, just starring at each other.
Dumbfounded, the leader was indeed.
"Jongwoon-ah, what's wrong with Wookie?" Leeteuk asked his dongsaeng.
"I think he got upset... because well, he says I've been spending more time with my turtles than him." Yesung replied, his expression sheepish.
Ahh, lovers' quarrel.
A look of understanding appeared on Leeteuk's face.
"I only spend time with my turtles because I haven’t seen them for so long, because of our busy schedules and everything. But I get to see Wookie all the time at rehearsals and stuff..." the younger man continued,as the elder patiently listened - when Yesung started talking, there was no stopping him.
"But then, I know we hardly get any alone time anymore... Hyung-ah! What am I to do?!" Yesung bawled.
Leeteuk gave his dongsaeng a few pats on the back. "There, there. Relax, Jongwoon-ah." he soothed.
The younger man calmed down a little - The hysterics went away as fast as they came.
“Just wait until Ryeowook calms down, then go apologize to him.” Leeteuk suggested.
“But that still doesn’t solve the problem, hyung.”
“I know!” Yesung suddenly exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. “I’ll compromise! I’ll spend more time with Wookie, and bring my turtles along at the same time!” the younger man planned confidently, not giving Leeteuk a chance to say a single word.
“Thanks, hyung! You’ve really helped me a lot!” he added, before rushing back into his room to prepare for execution of said plans.
“Uh... you’re welcome?” Leeteuk said to no one in particular, dumbstruck on the spot. “Aish, I’m getting too old for this...”
And the next morning, the YeWook couple was back to their normal cheery selves again.
But that wasn’t the end of Teukie’s troubles - of course not.
"Hyung, I won't be joining you all for dinner tonight. There are, uh, some bills I need to take care of." Siwon told Leeteuk after dance practice.
"Oh. Okay." the elder man replied, tired.
What a week it had been.
Besides being lined up for photoshoot after photoshoot, Super Junior also had to practice for their soon-to-be-released music video.
And turns out, manager hyung DID find out about Shindong's snacking problem. And so, all the members were instructed to keep a close eye on the poor man's food consumption.
The leader was so exhausted that he didn't even notice Siwon's recent, almost constant absence during dinner.
Heck, he was too tired to even notice the way Siwon had nervously figeted when the latter was talking to him earlier.
Leeteuk sighed contently when his head hit the pillow. He couldn't wait to proceed with a good night's sleep.
"Omo!" he exclaimed, suddenly jumping out of bed.
"I forgot to put the milk back inside the fridge this morning! I hope it hasn't gone bad..." he muttered to himself.
As he neared the kitchen, Leeteuk heard the sound of foot-steps coming from said room.
He moved in closer, then stopped in his tracks when he realised it was just Siwon pacing around.
The dongsaeng was talking on the phone.
Leeteuk was just about to walk in when Siwon spoke.
"We can't keep sneaking around like this. The other members are going to find out soon enough." The younger man whispered to whoever was on the other side of the line.
Leeteuk hid himself behind the door. It was obvious this conversation wasn’t meant for him - or any of the other SuJu members - to hear.
"Yeah, dinner was fun." Siwon suddenly broke into a goofy grin.
What? Siwon went out for dinner with someone? Didn't he say he had bills to settle or something?
And, why was he smiling that lovey-dovey smile of his?
"Okay. I love you too. Goodnight." The younger man said into the receiver before hanging up.
A million more questions entered the leader’s head.
Was he on a date?! Wait, maybe it was his mum? But then again you don't sneak around with your MOTHER...
Leeteuk quickly stepped out of his hiding place, afraid that his dongsaeng would see him.
Then, he tip-toed back to his room, completely forgetting about that milk carton on the counter.
"This milk smells funny." Ryeowook said, as he observed the carton in his hands the next morning.
"Ah, Wookie! DON'T DRINK THAT!" Leeteuk exclaimed, rushing to grab the box from the eternal magnae's hands.
"Hyung, what did you do?!" Ryeowook asked, his innocent eyes wide.
"I just forgot to put it in the fridge, that's all." the hyung said, patting him on the head.
"Oh. Thank goodness you came down before I drank any of it."
Just then, Yesung happily bounded into the kitchen, a little too energetic for 7 am in the morning.
Yesung started rummaging through the refridgerator. “Where's the milk?” he asked.
“Sorry, Yesungie - no milk today. Hyung forgot to put the carton into the fridge, so it turned sour.” Ryeowook pointed at Leeteuk.
"Hyung? As in TEUKIE hyung? But, he's supposed to be the RESPONSIBLE one!" Yesung gasped.
"Aish, Jongwoon! Don't be melodramatic." Leeteuk said in annoyance.
"Morning." Siwon yawned, entering the kitchen.
“Good morning.” The three chorused in unison.
“Siwon hyung, do you want to join Yesung and I today? Manager hyung’s taking us to some museum exhibition. ” Ryeowook asked.
“Sorry, Wookie. Not today. I’ve... got to go... meet up with someone... a scriptwriter.” Siwon scrambled for an excuse.
“Wow, Siwon. You’ve really been busy these few days.” Yesung stated.
“Uh, yeah. I have.” Siwon scratched his head. “Well, I better get going.”
I wonder where he’s REALLY going to...
“Teukie, hyung? Wanna join us instead?” Ryeowook offered.
“No thanks, Wookie. I have to take care of something.”
Something indeed.
* Part Six *