Title: On The Edge
Prompt: Cages
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied violence.
Summary: Kris and Katy were recently attacked while back home in Arkansas, having left Jesse and Kaleb in Adam's care. Everyone is now in the process of recovering and coming back together. (Set in the Love Speaks Though... universe.)
Kris felt caged, and he didn't know what to do about it. )
Comments 10
I think I missed Chapters 8&9. Are they posted anywhere?
In this dark place
And let my family
Never find me.
Um. Moooooooore of this! Please.
“This place is like a prison,” she complained.
Stay feisty, girl!
“My taco spicy,” Kaleb whined.
“You want a peanut-butter sandwich?” Allison asked, concerned. Kaleb was still skinny for two-and-a-half. She couldn’t have him not eating.
“No!” he exclaimed in a sudden show of temper, shoving his covered cup onto the floor.
Allison glanced at Adam, who was picking at his own enchilada and had yet to even glance up. That’s when Alli figured she was on her own.
“Well, are you done then? Because we don’t throw anything on the floor,” she warned quietly.
“My Daddy say yes!” Kaleb insisted, rebelliously.
Aw, Little Bird! I'm liking Mama Alli! Subdued Adam makes me sad.
“I feel like that sometimes,” Jesse confided to Adam in the empty kitchen. “Like, just that crazy and bad, and nothing anybody says helps.”
He knelt down to pick up the cup Kaleb threw.
“I feel like that, too,” Adam said, his voice hoarse.Love Jesse & Adam ( ... )
That's my favorite part of all of this. How incredibly feisty she always is. Subdued Katy is awful.
I know, pobre Pajarito. (Oh, jeez, Alli's totally got to call him that now! That's brilliant.) I love her, too. Haven't seen her mothering side much with Kaleb and it's interesting. Subdued Adam is sadness.
Jesse and Adam are the best!
Ooh, good call. True.
I know, come on, buddy. It's okay... <3
I can't even imagine how Kris felt when Kaleb didn't recognize him :(
why do I think things will get worse before they get better?
I know...so horrible :(
Because, it's probably true, but they WILL get better eventually!
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