Title: Not The Desperate Type... Fandom: Firefly Characters: Mal, Kaylee and Simon with mentions of Inara CD & Song: '7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)', From Under The Cork Tree Rating: G Author's Notes: Haha...I'm doing my seventh one to '7 Minutes In Heaven'! I had fun writing Kaylee in this one. ^-^
Title: The Best Liars Fandom: Firefly Characters: Inara with mentions of Mal CD & Song: 'Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued', From Under The Cork TreeRating: PG for use of the word 'Whore
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Title: Now I Only Waste It Dreaming Of You... Fandom: Firefly Characters: Inara and Mal with mentions of Kaylee, River, Jayne, Simon, and Zoe. CD & Song: 'Of All The Gin Joints In All Of The World', From Under The Cork TreeRating: G
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Title: Love Never Wanted Me Fandom: Firefly Characters: Mal with mentions of Inara and Book CD & Song: 'XO', From Under The Cork Tree Rating: G Author's Notes: This song gave me a little trouble at first, but this ficlet materialized in my head after a while...
Title: I'm Not Sure If It Matters Fandom: Firefly Characters: Mal, Inara, and River with mentions of Kaylee and Simon CD & Song: 'Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)', From Under The Cork TreeRating: PG/light PG-13
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Title: A Little Less Regret, A Little More 'What If...' Fandom: Firefly Characters: Mal, Inara, Kaylee, Zoe, Wash CD & Song: 'A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More 'Touch Me'', From Under The Cork TreeRating: G or PG...not sure
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Title: Two Quarters and a Heart Down Fandom: Firefly Characters: Mal, Inara CD & Song: 'Dance, Dance', From Under The Cork Tree Rating: G Author's Notes: Ahhh!! Mal/Inara is harder to write than I thought! At least I finally got started. ^_^