Title: Two Quarters and a Heart Down
Fandom: Firefly
Characters: Mal, Inara
CD & Song: 'Dance, Dance', From Under The Cork Tree
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Ahhh!! Mal/Inara is harder to write than I thought! At least I finally got started. ^_^
1, 2, 3...1, 2, 3...
This dance...I don’t know how Inara puts up with it. Not just the gorram dance we’re trying to attempt, but this dance she does in front of these people. How she pretends to be in love with Atherton or anyone of her customers for that matter.
But Atherton...he treats her like some sort of trophy.
1, 2, 3... 1, 2, 3...
To these men, she’s nothing but a prize. If she’s on their arm, they’re the richest ones. She’s nothing but extra money spent on a pretty doll. They don’t see the soul. The woman she is. The things that make her truly beautiful. Everything behind the dance and the mask.
1, 2, 3...Oof!
I really hate dancing anyway.
Dance, Dance
We're falling apart to half time
Dance, Dance
And these are the lives you'd love to lead...