Mar 22, 2013 23:45

For: yuumei_nata
From: beltenebra

Title: Echos of Another Life
Pairings/Characters: Junno/Kame, brief mentions of Koki, Ueda, and Nakamaru
Rating: R
Warnings: AU, Brief mentions of non-central (non- KAT-TUN) character death
Notes: I really enjoyed writing something quiet and meandering. yuumei_nata, I hope this is the kind of story you will enjoy! Huge thanks to my beta for ( Read more... )

year: 2013, rated: r, p: junno/kame

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Comments 21

scorch66 March 23 2013, 03:12:25 UTC
Anonnnnnnnnnnnnnn, this was so sweet, just as hot doctor Junno succinctly put it. The premise alone had me going !!!!!!! and then you built their lives with such realistic details, including tidbits about their job places and friends. I loved the cameos by the way (I'm guessing spikey-haired guy is Ueda :3) and the puns. THE PUNS. "Did you seriously just make an ass pun?" I died throughout this convo. I loved Kame and Junno's mental creeper lists of each other and how they fell for each other with each learned new knowledge. Junno sliding the CD under Kame's door made me wibble and fhsdjkfhsdjk just remembered the Yuuki no Hana scene AND HOW COULD YOU, ANON. such a low blow. ;__; But no, I loved that entire scene to pieces. And I didn't expect them to meet at the hospital and for a horrible moment I feared you would take the kdrama route and Kame would be paralysed or blinded or smth fhsdjkjdk THANK YOU FOR KEEPING HIM ALIVE AND WELL T_T I loved how Dr. Taguchi spared a moment to check himself out in the mirror before he met Kame and ( ... )


beltenebra April 4 2013, 15:34:34 UTC
This was a wonderful comment, thank you so much! <3

I really love writing Junno because it's always a wonderful opportunity to write awful new puns, <3 Oh man, I would probably never take the Korean route. I love happy endings too much. <.<

I'm really glad you enjoyed this, thank you so much for reading and commenting!


abyssinian13 March 23 2013, 07:00:49 UTC
i've been reading a few great kame x junno fics and this here is a wonderful addition to that..

i really like the plot..them being neighbors and discovering things about each other without really meeting..and falling in love too..
things i like:
--they seemed realistic to me..maybe because you incorporated their interests and how they are in rl here..
--how the wall between them must be really thin..
--junno's puns and the reactions they incur (very well received here, i think)..
--them exchanging cd's and bento boxes..
--yuuki no hana..kame comforting junno..
--the way they meet (not that i like kame hurt)..
--the last scene with junno kissing kame, its a great start for a relationship that has been building up for more or less than a year..

i love this very much and this is so sweet and thanks very much for sharing..


beltenebra April 4 2013, 15:35:39 UTC
This is my first time writing Kame/Junno so I am really happy you liked it! You liked some of my favorite parts of the story, :3 Thank you so much for reading and commenting!


krysyuy March 23 2013, 08:58:18 UTC
Love, love, love. It reminds me so much of another favorite fic of mine, and made me kinda realize I'm very into this neighbors-falling-in-lovecrush-without-really-seeing-each-other thing. lol Or, to put it another way, I really enjoy these type of quiet, slice-of-life type fics. ♥

Listing favorite lines/parts (and really sorry if I get repetitive in my flailing):
[…] his four am alarm was obnoxious enough for him and he set it on purpose.

Junno realized that their beds must be up against the same wall. He turned to face the wall and wondered sleepily if neighbor-san loved the feeling of waking up and realizing you got to go back to sleep as much as he did.
I love the idea of their beds being up against the same wall. *_____*

The slightly husky voice was very familiar though he didn't usually hear it at a normal volume.
I seriously just imagined Kame's voice and… -sighs dreamily- Idk, that man's voice just does things to me. >.>;;;

"Kamenashi Kazuya," Junno repeated very softly to himself in the dim hallway lighting. It was a ( ... )


krysyuy March 23 2013, 08:59:43 UTC
It seemed to work, Kame smiled back which brought the butterflies back full force.
Little touches like this throughout the fic, reflecting how the other makes them feel, just made me melt. I'm such a sap. >.>;;;

At that Junno got out as quickly as he could without it seeming like he was fleeing and hoped like hell that fifteen minutes or so in the locker room would help him calm down.
I can relate so much to how Junno (and Kame) both freak out about the other. lol Appearing calm on the outside but inside, it feels like they're gonna burst with nervous energy. XD

He had traded his scrubs for casual clothes - a t-shirt, leather jacket, and jeans that transformed him from a really hot doctor to a really hot... something else. Frankly, he looked like a model. Who needed legs that long anyway. But his smile was soft and bright and Kame found himself relaxing.
Ugh, I love your descriptions.

Kame blinked a few times, stunned, before he found himself giggling helplessly.

"[…] All of the cakes, the sugar flowers, and gold ( ... )


beltenebra April 4 2013, 15:37:14 UTC
Oh man, this is such a wonderful comment, I think I must have read it like three times with a giant grin on my face. XDDD

I loved reading all of your reactions to different things. Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to write such lovely feedback!! <3<3<3


chuckles0505 March 24 2013, 00:29:18 UTC
This was such a charming read *___*
I really love slice of life type stories and this was executed so well and just all-around enjoyable to read.
I loved how they slowly got to know each other without meeting and gaaah the scene where they meet was so cute >__<

I also loved the cameos of the other KT members (especially the ass pun and really the whole conversation with paramedic!Maru XD)

Awesome job, anon :D


beltenebra April 4 2013, 15:38:18 UTC
Thank you for reading and this lovely comment! I also enjoyed throwing in little glimpses of -TUN and I never pass up an opportunity to pun. XD

Glad you enjoyed it! <3


sugiex March 25 2013, 01:32:39 UTC
I like how love began even without them meeting one another. It's so romantic.

And it's incredibly interesting to know about their creeping list on one another.

The kiss was soft and affectionate, the slide of Junno's lips lighting him up with sensation. No one could blame him for melting into it. Junno responded by tugging him a little closer.

SIGH <3 The ending is wonderful.

Anon, thank you for writing this!


beltenebra April 4 2013, 15:38:42 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you for reading and commenting! <3


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