It is upon us, the last hour of regulation play in this Round. Write like the wind!! I for one was able to accomplish a solid 100 words last hour. I believe in you! (And, of course, if you need more fic rush fun, there were a few hours lost to the void in there you can time-travel to as it suits your fancy)
I hear words are in sight! Meanwhile I'm learning a lot about healthcare in Canada. Truly a productive couple of hours for us. What other deeds have you to report?
well, I'm here, I was gonna start writing but got distracted by researching Canada. Have the research voids claimed you as well, or are words appearing?
I'm back to writing after a short trip to the grocery store. I still need a good chunk of words, but I'm bit hazy about where this story is headed. Well! Time to throw something surprising in the story, like penguins? :D