Title: Covet Theme: Envy (entry for Round 3 of fic_n_pic) Fandom: Fruits Basket Rating: G Characters: Momiji and Haru Summary: ‘Everyone has a black side, Momitchi, even you.’ A/N: This story is based around revelations about Momiji in volume four/early episodes of the anime.
October 22nd is the closing day for these entries.
I'm sorry I haven't posted up the results for last round yet, I promise I will get around to doing that soon, I'm currently busy trying to find a new job and all that jazz.
Welcome everybody to Round Three of the competition. It's great that we have so many people competing and I can't wait to see what this round brings out. As for round 2 I have another 5 to mark and I'll post up the scores. So without further ado...I shall get down to the nitty gritty of this post.
This round's theme category is sinsAnd the theme
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Title: Something You Want Fandom: Death Note Characters: Mello (slight Near/Mello) Rating: R Summary: Mello hates being second, but doesn't really know why.
Just before the next game begins, I will be offering entries to the people who still wanted to enter but didn't make it into the list this game. Anybody who participated this game may also re-enter if there are any positions left. The only people who can't enter are the people who are disqualified (they may enter in the game after...but will be
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