Title: You Gotta Love the Symbolism
Character/Pairing: Logan/Veronica, mentions of D/V, D/M
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1401
Spoilers: Throught 2x10
Summary: Set during episode 10. Veronica goes to break up with Duncan.
Author's Note: Part of my
vm_santa gift for
jayl .
You Gotta Love the Symbolism )
Comments 13
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Sigh, if only this would have happened on the show. Sigh. When did the fanfic writers get so much better and have so much more respect for Veronica than did the show?
That was just lovely, thanks for sharing. I'm with everyone else though, why can't this happen on the show?
My favorite parts:
"Dear Diary, today Veronica Mars apologized to me. Oh and Mark Rogers smiled at me twice in history; I could have died!’”
And then she could go home and not think about it. She’d think about it tomorrow. At Tara.
Course having it there did make things difficult when the two of us were both trying to get out of here in the morning. I kept telling him the rules didn’t require tongue but he wouldn’t believe me.”
You've made me go all smooshy.
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