I'm not usually given to The Great Winge: I TRY to be positive. But there are times...
It's 4:35 am.
My hands ache and itch...
My left shoulder joint hurts...
My right elbow hurts
My knees ache...
I've been awake for over an hour...
I paid the used tea department a visit, but was then wider awake than ever!
Then the hubby started snoring!
So I got up.
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Comments 9
Also, someone once told me that a great way to fall asleep is to read a manual, like a car, tv, or toaster manual. Something extremely un-engaging sometimes helps turn the brain off.
Good luck, I really hope you get some good sleep soon.
Our spare room is the sewing room: the bed in there is usually piled high with sewing projects! I need a day to clear it for guests... But I'm short and the sofa is comfy, and down here I get to cuddle up with the cats!
We just moved (had a bungalow) and it took us a long time to get the second bed (we now have two) cleared off of boxes and other misc. stuff. I'm hoping this move will get my husband to just start throwing things out, he's such a pack rat.
2) What kind of sewing do you do? I call sewing my OCD. You might notice that it is 1:45am. I was up working on a project and decided to check the computer before going to bed.
Started up a really fine nose bleed as I was getting ready, and then my friend called to cancel due to a cold. Son was taken by his dad, who sat and waited for him.
So now I'm stiff and I feel grotty, and like a failure. Ho hum.
Still Sunday Dinner is all set to go: pork joint in the oven, bathing in a nice strong dry cider, apple sauce made, Roasted Orange Things and an apple crumble all ready to pop in the oven at the right moment, and the cabbage ready to cook! I like Sunday Dinner: it's so easy to prepare! Doesn't feel like real cooking, somehow!
The oven switched on a little while back, and the house smells of dinner cooking! :D
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