Title: At Gunpoint 3/10 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: AU Rating: PG for this chapter Summary: Jonghyun's mind can't stop racing and the sun won't stop glaring into his eyes, when he almost runs over some kid with his bike. ( click. )
oh finally they met ♥. i can imagine the whole situation so well, it's great. and i still have absolutely no clue where this could lead to in the end. so exciting!
"He manages to limit his thoughts to 'Well, that's definitely an upgrade', and clears his throat." Assuming these are Jjong's thoughts about Key?♥
Love love love this fic, but please don't make Jonghyun kill his boyfriend, then kill himself. It would make me cry :'( But then again, I guess that's what angst is for. Still not sure what genre this even is. It's too wonderful to be assigned one ♥
Aha. And who could blame him, really? Losing his father and then being so close to inheriting a huge hotel? It's definitely an unforeseen 'upgrade', from one aspect.
I'd hate to give out anything concerning the end, so I can't respond properly. However, I will ask you to keep reading; you never know.
I actually kind of love these last two lines you pointed out. They popped up completely at random in my head and I decided to go with them. Turns out it was successful? lol I'm glad either way.
Comments 29
i can imagine the whole situation so well, it's great.
and i still have absolutely no clue where this could lead to in the end. so exciting!
;_; continue soon please?
And well, that's good! Hope you'll enjoy what's to come :D
Yeah, yeah, no worries~♥
Thanks for reading!
Assuming these are Jjong's thoughts about Key?♥
Love love love this fic, but please don't make Jonghyun kill his boyfriend, then kill himself. It would make me cry :'( But then again, I guess that's what angst is for. Still not sure what genre this even is. It's too wonderful to be assigned one ♥
I'd hate to give out anything concerning the end, so I can't respond properly. However, I will ask you to keep reading; you never know.
Thank you for reading ♥
Thanks for reading!
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Thank you for reading!
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