Title: At Gunpoint 3/10 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: AU Rating: PG for this chapter Summary: Jonghyun's mind can't stop racing and the sun won't stop glaring into his eyes, when he almost runs over some kid with his bike. ( click. )
Gah, I get more in love when this story every time you update! ♥ This Jonghyun is so hot ;D I just love the encounter between Jonghyun & Key :D lol, and Minho~ Glad to see him! He takes his job very serious business. XD Nooooo! Jonghyun dyed his pretty blond hair ;~; I miss the blond D':
Ah, and two lines I just loved: Zip lock bags and guns are a good combination. & He manages to limit his thoughts to Well, that's definitely an upgrade, and clears his throat.
Really happy to hear that :33 I think the fact that he dyed his hair was the most painful for me lmao. Nah, it's for business' sake and he's cute either way, so ♥
There isn't much Jongkey action yet, but you'll make up for that, no? 8D I love how easily Jonghyun can ease himself into a role. Goes to show what a super sleuth he is. ♥
You'll be the judge of that, lol, but I most definitely will try :] Jonghyun's damn proud of himself for that, aha. He's more than good at what he is /nod
heeeey finally!i've been waiting for this fic!you should update more often,because everytime i finish reading a chap i'm so curious about the next one!!! i don't know but i can feel jonghyun here...dyeing your hair in a color you don't like it's torture..poor jj. update soon,ok????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Wow I just love how ~smooth~ Jonghyun is here *_* Sunshiney is good, Jonghyun, it's goooooood~ Boy also needs to realise he looks awesome in both brown and two-tone hair. EHEHEHEHEHE.
I can't wait for the action to start! But take as long as you need to build it up, LOL xP
Comments 29
This Jonghyun is so hot ;D I just love the encounter between Jonghyun & Key :D
lol, and Minho~ Glad to see him! He takes his job very serious business. XD
Nooooo! Jonghyun dyed his pretty blond hair ;~; I miss the blond D':
Ah, and two lines I just loved:
Zip lock bags and guns are a good combination.
He manages to limit his thoughts to Well, that's definitely an upgrade, and clears his throat.
I just love it~! ^0^
I think the fact that he dyed his hair was the most painful for me lmao. Nah, it's for business' sake and he's cute either way, so ♥
I'm glad you enjoyed it~
Thanks for reading ♥
Thanks for reading :3
I love how easily Jonghyun can ease himself into a role. Goes to show what a super sleuth he is. ♥
Jonghyun's damn proud of himself for that, aha. He's more than good at what he is /nod
Thank you for reading! ♥
i don't know but i can feel jonghyun here...dyeing your hair in a color you don't like it's torture..poor jj.
update soon,ok????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
lol I know, right. He'll get used to it :3
I'll update next Friday night, naturally~
Thanks for reading ♥
Sunshiney is good, Jonghyun, it's goooooood~
Boy also needs to realise he looks awesome in both brown and two-tone hair. EHEHEHEHEHE.
I can't wait for the action to start!
But take as long as you need to build it up, LOL xP
And I'll agree to that; boy needs to open his eyes to how hot he is.
LOL that's a first! It won't really take all that long lmao.
Thank you for reading! ♥
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