For a wet Wednesday afternoon, here's another
fiandyfic challenge. It's been absolutely ages since our
last one so I hope this is going to be to your taste.
Comment below with your chosen fandom and we'll give you a method of execution / body disposal for you to incorporate into your fic.
As usual:
1. This is an open-ended challenge, so finish whenever you want.
2. Fic can be posted anywhere on the internet, just reply with a comment when it's up so we can incorporate it in the list of finished responses.
3. Fic can be of any length and any style as long as you incorporate the prompt into the fic itself. In that vein, the fic doesn't have to be about death. If you can twist the prompt into a euphemism, write PWP...
4. Any fandom is welcome.
Any other questions?
The Responses
Fandom: DC Comics
Prompt: Drowning in Sand
Losing Everything, drabble, PG
Fandom: Life on Mars
Prompt: Hanging, Drawing and Quartering
Chopped, 999 words, 15
Fandom: Firefly
Prompt: River Tan's sex toy
A Brief Affair, short, PG-13
Fandom: Life on Mars
Prompt: Red Tape
Red Tape, short, NC-17, part of the
PsychoSamatic Cycle with gratuitous blood, gore and general squickiness.