1. How and why have you modified the faith practices and beliefs that you grew up with? If you haven't modified them at all, why not?
2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years, both personally and professionally?
3. If you encountered a bona fide extraterrestrial with whom you could communicate (verbally or otherwise), how would you approach the "conversation"?
4. You must change ONE big honking thing about the universe or the world. (I.e., make poverty disappear, reverse the law of gravity, give everyone two heads). What would you change and why?
1. People ask you probing questions about yourself on a regular basis. More, I'd say, than they ask other people. Why do you think that is?
2. Why don't you take much of an interest in politics?
3. You're tied to train tracks and a train is on the way. A dear friend is also tied to the tracks. And a bomb is about to go off in a populated area that only you know how to stop. You have time to untie yourself and your friend or untie yourself and defuse the bomb--not both. What do you do?
4. Do you miss bowling?
5. Why do you like having long(er) hair?
Ok. That's a lot of questions--15, to be exact. I'm going to take a break for a bit and do some, you know, work.
Comments 10
2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years, both personally and professionally?
3. If you encountered a bona fide extraterrestrial with whom you could communicate (verbally or otherwise), how would you approach the "conversation"?
4. You must change ONE big honking thing about the universe or the world. (I.e., make poverty disappear, reverse the law of gravity, give everyone two heads). What would you change and why?
5. Why do you like Dostoevsky?
2. When you compose a song, do you draw on recent emotions and events or those "recollected in tranquility"?
3. Where does your LJ handle come from?
4. What, in your opinion, makes Joss Whedon so awesome?
5. When does the green-eyed snake of jealousy rear its scaly little head most prominently in your life?
Speaking of playing, yay for guitar lessons!
2. Why don't you take much of an interest in politics?
3. You're tied to train tracks and a train is on the way. A dear friend is also tied to the tracks. And a bomb is about to go off in a populated area that only you know how to stop. You have time to untie yourself and your friend or untie yourself and defuse the bomb--not both. What do you do?
4. Do you miss bowling?
5. Why do you like having long(er) hair?
Ok. That's a lot of questions--15, to be exact. I'm going to take a break for a bit and do some, you know, work.
How've you been, by the by? Been a while since we've talked... hope all is well.
Now, questions:
1) If theater, lighting design, and photography weren't options for you, what would you do to put bread on the table?
2) Where (in our out of the country) would you like to end up living? If you don't have a specific place you can think of, why not?
3) Anti-zombie weapon of choice? (I must admit that I stole this question from someone.)
4) Desert island food?
5) What music do you play when you need to get motivated?
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1) Why do you like to cook?
2) What's the bestest bestest thing about Michigan so far?
3) How's your mom? (No, really.)
4) Where would you like to end up living, eventually? (I always like to know this about people.)
5) What's your favorite physical activity (other than the probably obvious)?
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