July 12 through 18

Jul 21, 2006 02:03

The week started out innocently enough. There was much news to be had in the sports world. The Daily Prophet Sports News branched out beyond its usual Quidditch Standings to include a rather unique view point on the 'lost art' of Dueling. A sure sign of slow return to normality, that! Quality Quidditch Supplies cashed in on the building excitement by announcing a drawing for
free tickets to bring in the customers.

Another sure sign of normality - Wizards are returning to their jobs, which means they are once again looking for responsible guardians for their children, as evidenced by another Quidditch player's advertisement for a babysitter as Oliver Wood returns to the skies.

There was also an invitation to a birthday party for Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom sent to nearly everyone in the wizarding community. (One must wonder what Bellatrix will do when she learns she is not invited?)

Unfortunately, the relative calm and quiet of 'normality' could not last. The full moon occurred on Sunday, July 16th, which caused slightly more than the usual amount of turmoil at Spinner's End, where the residents were unaware of the horror lurking outside in the form of Fenrir Greyback.

The Daily Prophet broke the news to the public with their usual brand of 'unbiased' sensationalism. It would seem, however, that once an idea is hit upon, it is clung to with leech-like tenacity, as the Ministry of Magic came up with a brilliant plan to 'protect' the now presumed targets of the rogue werewolf's savagery.

While the first post-war meeting of the Order of the Phoenix had been planned a week before, the agenda took a definite shift as the focus was obviously on the attacks, Fenrir being the most pressing threat.

Current list of all character journals. Please make sure you have 'friended' all your fellow characters.

Administration run characters: McGonagall, Fenrir Greyback, Minister of Magic, Daily Prophet, Annoucements, various NPC characters such as Lupin's NPC werewolf pack members, shopkeepers, etc. fi_admin

Hannah Abbott about_abbott
Charlotte Aurelius beautesolitaire
Terry Boot terry_schtiwl
Millicent Bulstrode-Morsus millicentmorsus
Deirdre Burke deirdre_ivy
Juneau Connors sightlesswolf
Colin Creevey crazedxxcreevey
Peregrin Derrick inner_human
Kirly "Kir" McCormack Duke kir_not_kirley
Seamus Finnigan safinnigan
Anthony Goldstein good_as_goldy
Hermione Granger thelastgranger
Daphne Greengrass nowillbutthis
Aurin Helm golden_armor
Bellatrix Lestrange deatheater_____
Neville Longbottom forevernev
Luna Lovegood bluemoon_loon
Remus Lupin m4moony
Draco Malfoy suicide_blonde_
Lucius Malfoy sinister_blonde
Narcissa Malfoy mrsmalfoy6
Montague Morsus morsus_et_mors
Theodore Nott nott_naught
Prophet Sports prophet_sports
Padma Patil prophecyofpadma
Parvati Patil flowerpatil
Pansy Parkinson freakedwithjet
Harry Potter broken_harry
Stella Sinistra prof_stargazer
Clive Smales c_smales
Zacharias Smith zekaryah
Severus Snape subtle_simmer
Nymphadora Tonks nymphadorauror
Lisa Turpin argento_turpin
Myron Wagtail diva_myron
Arthur Weasley muggle_fan
Bill Weasley pulloutthepin
Charlie Weasley charlie_weasel
Fleur Delacour-Weasley elegante_fleur
Fred and George Weasley redheadedjokers
Ginny Weasley ginny_afire
Molly Weasley weasleymama
Ron Weasley sixthweasleyson
Oliver Wood mroliverwood
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