Photography & Flight and Flying Students

Jun 02, 2006 14:39

Veronica & Anakin received approval from Principal Washburn to take you all on a field trip to Washington, D.C. for a day.

The in game trip will occur on Sunday June 18th (so no one has to miss any workshops). We have access to fh_trips on Saturday and Sunday so the trip can be slowplayed. We will try to get the posts up early on Saturday to give everyone as much time as possible to play.

The following students are invited and, sorry, but no bringing significant others or friends. Please respond here and let us know ASAP if you're definitely attending so we can provide a list of who is going.

Zack Addy - yes
Belthazor - maybe
Sam Carter - yes
Cedric Diggory - yes
Rory Gilmore - yes
Draco Malfoy - yes
Cameron Mitchell - yes
Peter Pevensie - yes
Blair Sandburg - yes
Nadia Santos - yes
Buffy Summers - probably not
Aeryn Sun - yes
Jaye Tyler - yes
Elizabeth Weir - yes

Veronica and Anakin will be annoucing the trip in game during workshops next week.

And despite the fact that the conversation in Zoe's office says Saturday June 17th, we are going on Sunday the 18th because we forgot that the basketball game was on the 17th and we didn't want to conflict with that.

Obviously the Flight & Flying kids will be hitting the Air & Space Museum. But with an entire day, they will have time to explore other places as well. The photography kids can pretty much go anywhere, though Veronica is going to suggest the US Botanical Gardens for sure.

We'll be traveling by bus (with Anakin driving, so buckle up!), leaving the island in the morning and returning late at night.

Questions, comments or concerns?
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