A small update on this book plot we have going

Jun 05, 2006 15:42


So, as you may have noticed, Rory read aloud from something resembling the Book of the Dead last night. There are a few consequences of that, though most aren't game-wide.

According to Mummy canon, which we are blatantly stealing from, reading from the book summons the ten plagues of Egypt. Since it's not exactly the same book, our plagues are quite a bit milder and there are only five - one for each day this week.

MONDAY: Pond turns into coffee
TUESDAY: Rain of pudding
WEDNESDAY: Swarms of butterflies
THURSDAY: Adorable Yet Clingy Kittens
FRIDAY: Froggies!

There will be a post later for the pond turning into coffee, and these 'plagues' as they were will last through the week. They will go away as of Saturday night, when plottiness happens.

Additionally, everyone who was in the CR last night when Rory read will be getting to live out their own worst nightmare (see also: Cal with Xena today).

This is a closed plot. You can totally play with the plagues, obviously, and react to the people living out their nightmares, but this plot will result in a monster-hunting finale, which is currently at its max as far as people involved.

This plot will only last through the week, and will wrap on Saturday night.

Questions or comments? Offers of various baked goods?
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