Luke, a tall golden droid, and the Ewok chief
Chirpa, were waiting for the volunteers when the portal finally deposited everyone on
Endor. "Welcome," Luke said, giving them all a smile, "and thank you in advance for your help."
He gestured to the Ewok. "This is Chief Chirpa, the leader of Bright Tree Village, where we'll be staying for the next few days." Chirpa bowed to them, then spoke a few words. The droid shuffled forward to translate. "Chief Chirpa welcomes you to Endor," he said, words coming out pinched and precise, "and requests that you make yourself at home. If there is anything he or his warriors can do while you are assisting their neighbors, please let him know."
There was a brief conversation between Threepio and the Chief. "Or tell me and I will convey it," Threepio said. "I am C-3PO, human cyborg relations, and will be serving as translator for you during your stay here. Do watch out for the bugs, and the large drops, and the variety of creatures found in the forest..."
Luke shook his head at him and Threepio stopped speaking. "He worries a little too much," he explained with an easy smile. "If you'll follow me, you can drop off your stuff in the visitors' quarters and we can get started building some huts."