Special Collections, Saturday Afternoon and Night

Dec 10, 2011 13:01

Special Collections had always been a peculiar place, and now that it was to be their home for the duration of... whenever... it chose not to change that. Those who had raced into it would find their world briefly a disorienting amount of purple light and flashes of lightning and books falling from an eternal above to a perpetual below ( Read more... )

bde 2011 - the nothing, bde 2011

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Base Camp - Common Area fh_refugees December 10 2011, 12:04:22 UTC
In the center of the area is a plain open spot, with rocks that can be used to build a firepit, and logs to sit on. Bring firewood and build a fire, or sit down and talk, or anything else you might prefer.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area whenshewasnice December 10 2011, 12:44:06 UTC
Natalie figured she'd set up a tent, later. Or... go do anything else useful.

But right now? Sitting on a log and taking a moment to orient herself to these new surroundings seemed to be the thing to do. And maybe wonder when she'd last blinked. Today was kind of a day for remaining super aware.

Mr. Moxy sniffed at the log by her feet, and Natalie wondered whether he knew how bad things were.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area godgavemecable December 10 2011, 18:25:44 UTC
"Hey," Natalie wasn't someone Toby talked to all that often, but they did have that mutual connection in Sam, and so he figured he ought to- say something. Like "hey", apparently.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area whenshewasnice December 10 2011, 18:27:33 UTC
Natalie's unblinking gaze flicked over to Toby. "Hey," she agreed.

She would've gotten tense, except she was pretty tense to begin with.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area godgavemecable December 10 2011, 18:38:47 UTC
Yeah, he didn't even need to be a telepath to pick up on that. "This is pretty intense," he noted, trying for 'conversational'.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area whenshewasnice December 10 2011, 18:44:12 UTC
"Really." It was probably a half-hearted sarcastic quip. She did not have it in her to be conversational, but luckily the same went for scathing. "Yes. Intense."

Mr. Moxy meowed tentatively up at Toby.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area godgavemecable December 10 2011, 19:49:57 UTC
Toby wiggled his fingers at the cat in an invitation for ear scritches. "How-" he started to say, and then stopped. "I was gonna ask 'how are you holding up' but. I think it's kind of obvious how everyone in general is doing, really."


Re: Base Camp - Common Area whenshewasnice December 10 2011, 19:56:21 UTC
Mr. Moxy was all for ear scritches! He got closer.

"Anyone here proclaiming they're doing great deserves to get punched in the face."

Mr. Moxy was the best Natalie had left, at this point. It was no surprise she was a little harsh.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area godgavemecable December 10 2011, 21:42:12 UTC
Toby felt about the same, although he probably wouldn't have phrased it so... bluntly. "I feel kind of helpless," he admitted. "I mean, I'm decent enough in a fistfight, I guess, but that's not really helpful." Admittedly, it didn't seem like very much at all was helpful, considering how little headway had been made in solving the problem. But details.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area whenshewasnice December 10 2011, 22:00:19 UTC
"There's nothing to fight anymore, anyway." She almost felt sad about that. At least when she'd been fighting she'd felt like she was doing something.

And that had made her feel like she was getting some tiny morsel of revenge on the multiverse for taking everyone from her. "I'm pretty sure there's going to be search parties for a solution later."


Re: Base Camp - Common Area godgavemecable December 10 2011, 22:36:47 UTC
"You think they'll find a way to get everyone back?" Toby asked hopefully.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area whenshewasnice December 10 2011, 22:39:39 UTC
Natalie didn't say anything for far too long a time.

And then she simply said, "Yes."

Because they had to. Because people couldn't be just gone. Not her parents, and not Todd, and not Sam. Who was going to get an earful about managing to be stupid while trying to leave her a voicemail about how he wasn't doing anything stupid.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area godgavemecable December 10 2011, 22:54:50 UTC
"I hope you let him know just how much of an idiot he was being, when he gets back," Toby commented.

Sorry, Natalie. He was far too distracted to even try not to overhear thoughts.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area whenshewasnice December 10 2011, 23:01:04 UTC
Natalie blinked.

"Did you just read my narrative," she asked, "or my thoughts?"

Either way, she found it a little rude. In a pretty subdued way.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area godgavemecable December 10 2011, 23:09:49 UTC
"...Narrative?" Toby gave her a confused look.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area whenshewasnice December 10 2011, 23:15:33 UTC
"So that means you can read my thoughts," Natalie deduced. Ignoring his confusion, yes. She was getting used to people not understanding basic things (basic to her anyway) like that. "Can you control that?"


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