Special Collections, Saturday Afternoon and Night

Dec 10, 2011 13:01

Special Collections had always been a peculiar place, and now that it was to be their home for the duration of... whenever... it chose not to change that. Those who had raced into it would find their world briefly a disorienting amount of purple light and flashes of lightning and books falling from an eternal above to a perpetual below ( Read more... )

bde 2011 - the nothing, bde 2011

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Base Camp - Common Area fh_refugees December 10 2011, 12:04:22 UTC
In the center of the area is a plain open spot, with rocks that can be used to build a firepit, and logs to sit on. Bring firewood and build a fire, or sit down and talk, or anything else you might prefer.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area godgavemecable December 10 2011, 23:27:22 UTC
Maybe he was just really perceptive!

"Um," oh look, kitty in dire need of ear-scritches. He dropped his gaze down to Mr. Moxy as he continued. "Sometimes. Not very well."


Re: Base Camp - Common Area whenshewasnice December 10 2011, 23:46:51 UTC
Mr. Moxy was happy with his ear-scritches. He would've been even moreso, had he known he'd end up covered in bows soon enough.

"Right," Natalie said. "Good to know."


Re: Base Camp - Common Area godgavemecable December 10 2011, 23:59:31 UTC
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention it to anyone?" Toby said hopefully. "It's not exactly something I want to get around."

[ooc: note to radio squirrel- can the telepathy bit be nfb plzandthanks? like a boss, forgot to note it in the thread title.]


Re: Base Camp - Common Area whenshewasnice December 11 2011, 00:11:34 UTC
"Don't worry, I keep everyone's secrets," Natalie replied mildly, choosing not to comment on how it might not even matter soon enough if they didn't figure this thing out. "I don't have a need to gossip."

She'd mostly just talked to Sam, anyway. And look how much that could be happening right now.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area godgavemecable December 11 2011, 01:30:46 UTC
"I'm trying to look at it from an optimistic we'll-totally-fix-this sort of way," Toby explained, and then grimaced, because there was that telepathy again. "Sorry."


Re: Base Camp - Common Area whenshewasnice December 11 2011, 12:52:46 UTC
Natalie supposed this was how other people felt when she commented on things they apparently couldn't see.

"That's a little disconcerting," she said, though not unkindly.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area godgavemecable December 11 2011, 17:47:03 UTC
"Disconcerting's a good word for it," Toby had to agree. "I like it better than 'creepy', anyway." Because he didn't really try to be creepy. Most of the time.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area endsthegame December 10 2011, 14:50:03 UTC
Ender took a seat on one of the logs as well. He still had most of Kenzi's cookies from yesterday, which he had brought with him simply because they were there.

He put them down near the log and picked up one of the books he'd brought, but somehow the letters failed to come into any sharp relief.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area apocalipped December 10 2011, 14:58:30 UTC
Jonothon took a moment to take stock of his surroundings, and then sighed, taking a seat on a log and fishing his last two cans of whipped cream from his pockets.

"Hardly going to feed the multitude with these or anything," he muttered, eyeing them before setting them down in the open, in case somebody else wanted them. Joni mewled and peered out of his pocket, earning another sigh out of him. "And how in the world am I going to feed you?"

For the record, the cat was not on the menu.


Re: Base Camp - Common Area bitten_notshy December 10 2011, 15:12:41 UTC
"I didn't grab cat food," Jack said, apologetically. (And swallowing his impulse to suggest they use the cat to test whether toadstools were poisonous -- it wasn't funny.) "I have other stuff, though. Aspirin. Bandages. We should make a list of who has what."


Re: Base Camp - Common Area apocalipped December 10 2011, 15:16:46 UTC
"We should," Jono agreed, glancing around one more time before digging through the pockets that weren't currently stuffed with cat, and surfacing with a pen and the receipt for the whipped cream he'd gotten yesterday morning at T&C. It would do. "And then see if there's at least a steady source of water nearby. Near enough that we don't have to wander away and get lost in order to find it, at least. Here is... not a place you want to lose your way in, really."


Re: Base Camp - Common Area bitten_notshy December 10 2011, 19:10:09 UTC
"Emma got a few bottles of water on our way here. When we find her, we're set," Jack said, scruffing a hand back through his hair. "... at least, until the bottles run out. You're right. We'll need more."


Re: Base Camp - Common Area apocalipped December 10 2011, 19:19:45 UTC
"Indeed," Jono sighed. It was a relief to hear that Emma had made it at least. "Has anyone gotten a head count yet, or are people too busy mulling about for us to manage one?"


Re: Base Camp - Common Area bitten_notshy December 10 2011, 19:37:39 UTC
"I don't think we're anywhere close," Jack said unhappily. "I did see Professor Skywalker, though. And a couple of the other teachers. I should talk to them in the slim hopes they have a plan."


Re: Base Camp - Common Area apocalipped December 10 2011, 19:43:04 UTC
Painfully slim, really. But Jono nodded.

"Careful not to discount the students here, mind. There are just as many soldiers and strategists among their ranks as there are among the handful of teachers left."


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