Title: Alone With the Spark Devils.
Fandom: FFX
Pairing: Lady Ginnem/Lulu.
Prompt: Curse.
Rating: T.
Words: 400.
Spoilers: Calm Lands side quest.
Author's Note: The moment I saw this prompt I knew I had to write this :D.
They were the symbol of your curse.
You detested them for they never left you alone in your damned solitude; their glittering fairy lights stalked you.
Yet words or actions could not escape to blight them, death had kept your spirit anchored and the absence of the mourner's dance could not free lifeless limbs or lips.
It had ripped you apart inside, the paper chains of an already murky mind were unlinking and becoming torn as years passed.
You were trapped in a room that held so many memories.
This room was where the elements and Cure met in a kiss, where Holy's tears were wiped away when suicide's march was paused and where Shell enveloped your mage.
You had wondered what she was like, now age and memories held her in its sway.
Your body had ached to find her, to see her smiles and to run a hand down that cloud soft hair, but as time passed that hand which had so often healed and nurtured wished to claw at, to strip away life so that you may suck at it greedily as if it was a Phoenix Down.
The fireflies still taunted you even then but hatred which breathed a mock life into your body allowed you to swish at them, to banish their tinkling sounding laughter.
That mage had left you to the death faeries and had not return, not even to bury you.
So much for love.
After such a long time there came a new noise though; footsteps as light as a fairy's.
When the mage, your knight, appeared you could not bring yourself to smile.
Your only means of communicating your sadness, loneliness and jilted love was through spells and summons but even then you could not fully tell her of the despair that came at the sight of her.
Though the urge to nip at her mouth and to welcome her with your Esuna embrace had emerged, your womb or stomach seemed to twist painfully.
Your failure was her success, you were unable to grasp her soul and claim it.
The mourner's dance came and the spark devils had suddenly deserted you.
Now you stand alone in another plane and when she calls for you, both of you stand silently staring at the other.
You have never felt so small and alone before, not even when just the pyreflies surrounded you.