Title: My Dying Secret Fandom: FFVII Pairing: Jessie/Tifa Prompt: Machine Rating: PG WordS: 200 Spoilers: I mention some of the venues of FFVII, and what happens to Jessie and Sector 7.
Anyhow, this is a sweet, sad little drabble, and I really like your backstory for how Jessie joins up with Avalanche, and her unrequited feelings for Tifa. Very nice.
Thanks ^_^ My idea for Jessie's feelings for Tifa was more admiration than anything else, although I was intending for there to be a hint of a crush. Glad you liked it, whatever the case. :)
:.: Jessie fic! I love what you've done with the character, when I read this I heard a very strong voice, Jessie's voice, in my head. Hope to see more from you :)
Comments 4
Anyhow, this is a sweet, sad little drabble, and I really like your backstory for how Jessie joins up with Avalanche, and her unrequited feelings for Tifa. Very nice.
My idea for Jessie's feelings for Tifa was more admiration than anything else, although I was intending for there to be a hint of a crush. Glad you liked it, whatever the case. :)
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