Title: My Dying Secret
Fandom: FFVII
Pairing: Jessie/Tifa
Prompt: Machine
Rating: PG
WordS: 200
Spoilers: I mention some of the venues of FFVII, and what happens to Jessie and Sector 7.
I hate this city. Every day is the same thing. Underground transit, underground job, underground meals, underground overall life. Living was a bore underneath this damn pizza.
Midgar was boring.
My life had been a series of machines, going from one to the next, never really serving any purpose save to keep someone’s beer cold. That is, until the day I was contacted by AVALANCHE. Someone had found out I could build bombs.
The girl’s name was Tifa. She had contacted me on someone named Barret’s behalf, claiming they needed something big for an upcoming job.
Ah what the hell? At least bombs are less boring than refrigerators.
But I knew I’d found a home when I first stepped into Seventh Heaven. I decided to take a permanent position.
The days were becoming more enjoyable, building bombs and going on missions. I knew I had become a terrorist, but the pay was good, and what I was doing felt right.
But what had me the most was Tifa. My feelings remained a secret, but I was comfortable just being near her. Up until the attack on Sector 7, I kept it to myself.
I kept my secret till my death.