Summon Stamping Booth

Sep 24, 2012 21:20

A staple of the Final Fantasy franchise since FFIII, summons are some of the most recognizable creatures in the series. While very few have a major role in the story they often help immensely in battle by dealing immense damage to your enemy, casting status effects to help you gain the advantage, or by healing your wounds and bringing the party ( Read more... )

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Comments 38

Questions? cassandrablue September 25 2012, 04:20:33 UTC
If you have any questions or concerns, ask them here!


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Re: APP! sunflower_mynah September 30 2012, 12:16:52 UTC
It's not on the condensed list, but after spending some time pondering the whole thing, I honestly can't vote anything but Maduin/Madeen (depending on game!) for you. FFVI's Maduin fits the traits you'd like, I think, and while the SNES prevents any summon from being too flashy, Terra Homing in FFIX seems like a pretty magnificent sight to me ;) I can't quite explain how I see him fitting the preferences section, especially 'luck' vs. 'skill', but 'togetherness' is definitely one of the things I associate with the Maduin summon.


Re: APP! the_404_error September 30 2012, 18:53:46 UTC
Hmm, after mulling it over for quite awhile, I think I'll double vote for Maduin/Madeen and The Magus Sisters. They both have a variety of abilities, which fits with your first two responses, and are pretty flashy in the later games. They both rely on skill, are more elegant than destructive, and less pure might prone. The Magus Sisters fit the togetherness better on the surface, but Maduin in VI was certainly more prone towards building a sense of belonging and community among the Espers than most of them.


Re: APP! seren_bach October 2 2012, 20:42:23 UTC
I vote for the Magus Sisters. They are elegant, they are loyal to each other and the attack several times and hit quite hard when they do. And they look beautiful when they are summoned.


seren_bach October 2 2012, 20:35:17 UTC
Name: seren_bach
Class: (If you aren't a member of ff_land then put Freelancer here!) White Mage
Would you prefer your name or username on your stamp? User name please!

summoning!! )


sunflower_mynah October 9 2012, 20:25:03 UTC
I do rather like Ramuh for you, actually. He tends to have the 'wise old man' look to him, and aside from what Toffee already mentioned, I always think of his FFVI appearance as well when it comes to skill and knowledge.

For an alternate, though, I'd go with Bahamut: destruction, big and flashy attack, and you often have to prove your skill to acquire the summon in the first place.


breyzyyin October 12 2012, 13:36:32 UTC
I think I'm going with Ramuh as well! With him, you're certainly going to get some sparkles...and, for some reason, I think Ramuh would have the same line of thinking regarding people ("I admire people who are loyal and brave and who can laugh in tough situations. I don't like people who whine about things, and who bitch about others."). Ramuh definitely has one big, flashy attack and your preferences seem very fitting for him as a whole! XD

TEAM: Soldier


the_404_error October 12 2012, 16:31:01 UTC
I'll have to say Ramuh as well. He fits your mix of [x]ed boxes the best, his attacks can be pretty sparkly, is offensive, and his personality seen in his roles in VI and IX seems to fit well overall.


sunflower_mynah October 9 2012, 20:18:04 UTC
Name: Mysti
Class: Black Mage
Would you prefer your name or username on your stamp? Name.

...I meant to get this done WAY earlier... )


breyzyyin October 12 2012, 13:43:45 UTC
For some reason, I keep going back to Leviathan for you. He's certainly powerful enough that he'd possibly fall into the "Unless, of course, a spell would get things done that much quicker, in which case it's worthwhile, because I'm impatient." category...depending on when in the game the fight is, at any rate! I think Leviathan definitely has presence but he's not overly showy like some of the summons are. He's also a more damaging summon, would probably like/dislike the same things in others you would ("Intelligence, a sense of humour, decisiveness. What I don't like - arrogance and cruelty"), has one attack, and seems to generally fit your preference selections. XD Lolz, apparently I can't *not* associate you with water, it seems!

TEAM: Soldier


the_404_error October 12 2012, 16:44:46 UTC
I can definitely see Leviathan, but I want to say Phoenix as it normally both damages opponents and heals the party at the same time, which is more fitting for your balanced response to the attack question. It isn't luck based, is elegant, and doesn't really rely on might. I can see it being more likely to dislike cruelty than most of these options as well, especially considering their origins. It has a good deal of presence as well.


breyzyyin October 12 2012, 20:33:43 UTC
I really like both the Leviathan and Phoenix votes for you, though I think I might be leaning towards a PHOENIX vote slightly more. Phoenix is definitely a summon that has presence, though its summon animation is often rather quick in comparison to other summons (particularly in the games where it is summoned automatically to revive a fallen party) it doesn't sometimes fall into the more "flashy" category at times (but everyone still loves seeing its animation start up all the same and it often is a majestic sight at that point! ♥). It can offer some damage depending on the game, always provides support, and offers a lot of I could easily see Phoenix fitting for your battle style. Considering that it usually comes to the aid of the party after they're dealt a terrible blow by a cruel antagonist in battle...I don't see Phoenix being fond of those who display arrogance and cruelty either. Phoenix uses one attack to do many things at times. Your preferences for Skill, Elegance, both Individuality and ( ... )


APP! railenthe October 11 2012, 04:19:42 UTC
Name: Railenthe
Class: (If you aren't a member of ff_land then put Freelancer here!) Awaiting Sorting, so right now I'm a Freelancer
Would you prefer your name or username on your stamp? *points up* Doesn't make a difference.

[EOOARGH! BE YE FRIEND OR ENEMY?!]You're dealing with an enemy that isn't very powerful. What sort of strategy do you use? Are you just spamming attacks or are you being more tactical? How 'not very powerful' is 'not very powerful?' Because if it's a joke fight for the most part, I'll just spam whatever its weak point happens to be. If it's less of a joke and more of a miniboss in mook's clothing, it starts with a full-party buff, followed by targeting its weak points.

When fighting a boss would your strategy change any from a regular enemy? Buffs, buffs, buffs, buffs, HOTS, HOTS, HOTS, DOTS DOTS DOTS, attack its weak points if it has them. And if it doesn't I just throw the proverbial grenades at it. And if that doesn't work, I just throw heals at the party until I can stumble on the thing that DOES work. (V!ATOMOS, I'M LOOKING AT YOU.)

How do you
... )


Re: APP! sunflower_mynah October 12 2012, 15:52:58 UTC
For some reason I really really wanted to say Gilgamesh, but I think Alexander might prove to be a better fit. The abilities the esper teaches in VI do fit your preference of attack and protection - and considering the 'offense' spell in there is Holy, I really do see it fitting that particular question right now. It's not exactly gaudy, but considering its various appearances, especially the FFIX one, it definitely makes a statement, and I can sort of see it working with the 'tenacity and loyalty' statement, as well.


Re: APP! the_404_error October 12 2012, 17:32:38 UTC
This was difficult. I think I'll double vote for Shiva and Alexander, although I also considered Gilgamesh and Chocobo. In some games, Shiva does have more than just a single ice spell, and even seems to teach some protective ones in XIII (I haven't played XIII, so just going by the wikia) She is considered one of the most elegant, despite what she's based off of being more on the, er, destructive side. She's also fairly flashy and I can see her appreciating loyalty. Alexander also works since it has really strong attacks and is protective, and it fits most of the [x]ed choices very well also.


Re: APP! breyzyyin October 12 2012, 19:30:03 UTC
I'm torn between Gilgamesh, Shiva, and Alexander...but, I'm leaning the most towards Shiva overall. If the enemy has an Ice weakness, she's definitely one of the better options for spamming their weak spots. In the next gen games at least Shiva is a pretty flashy summon too. I thought of Shiva when you mentioned "The best defense is a good offense…really is an overused statement, but most times it's true"...and, for some reason, I always think of Shiva as being one of the more tenacious and loyal summons (maybe because she's in so many of the games?). Depending on the game, she can also hit multiple times too...and I think your Preference choices of Skill, Elegance, Individuality, and Knowledge fit rather well for Shiva in general. XD

TEAM: Soldier


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