Limit Break (Final Fantasy VIII Quistis/Edea) R

Jun 04, 2011 21:48

 Title: Limit Break
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Prompt: Taboo
Characters/Pairing: Quistis/Edea
Rating: R
Words: 100
Notes: Sex with someone who raised you is enough to qualify this for the taboo prompt, right? Never written for this fandom before. Also, I've written about another pairing for which there is no tag. Can  I have one?

Perhaps it was relief, perhaps it was simply something that happened in the wake of unbelievable tension. Quistis tried to ignore the voice of her mind, telling her truths she did not want to hear. Logic could do very little for her now.
It was everything she had imagined it to be and different still. Former fantasies and an inverted reality.

Dark hair tangled around her fingers, soft skin bruised beneath her tongue and teeth. Electricity traveled through tense limbs, igniting sparks beneath her fingers. Her blond hair molded itself around the curves of breasts and ribs.
Everything had changed.

author: vegakapera, fandom: ffviii, prompt: taboo, pairing: edea/quistis

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