Chocobo Races

Aug 07, 2011 22:38

Chocobo Races

Betting is now open for the new races! I am going to try leaving betting open for a few days before the next race. Be sure to keep your eye on which chocobos people are feeding to get an idea if you want to place more/change your bets! Also, guessing the pick 6 is free!

Welcome to the Chocobo Racetrack! We hold 6 races every other day. (The chocobos need their rest, too!) You may place bets, visit the chocobos, and offer them treats on non-race days.

»Bets may only be placed on betting posts. All betting closes at Midnight EST the day before the races
»You will receive 5 points for each bet (with a maximum of 50 points), but you can continue to bet as much as you like.
»Minimum bet is 1 gil. If you are broke, the house will cover your initial buy in. Maximum bet is 150 gil.
»There are three types of bets:
• Win: pick the color of the winning chocobo in a race
• Trifecta: pick the colors of the chocobos that come in first, second, and third place in a race
• Pick Six: pick the color of the winning chocobo in all six races that day
»To bet, reply to the appropriate thread with your choices, as well as the amount you are betting (see below for forms)

»At the end of each day, each participant will receive their payout
»Each type of bet has a different type of payout:
•Win: earn 3 times the amount you bet
•Trifecta: earn 6 times the amount you bet
•Pick Six: a pot of 500 gil that is distributed among everyone that has pick the most winning chocobos in this bet. (For example: If one person picks all 6, they win is all, if not, it is shared by everyone that picked 5. You must guess a minimum of 4 chocobos to win)

Gysahl Greens
If you have extra gil laying around, you may use them to spoil your favorite chocobo. It costs 10 gil to buy some gysahl greens, which you can then feed to any chocobo for any race. Since they love them so much, the greens can sometimes boost your chocobo's chance of winning! You can view how many greens have been fed to each chocobo by checking in on them in the stables.


Crescent Lake





Chocobo Farm

Betting Forms

To place a Win or a Trifecta bet, pick the color of the chocobo that you think will win, then reply to the thread for the race you wish to bet on with the form below.
Winning Chocobo Color:
Bet: #
Class: (unsorted if you have not joined yet)

Bet: #
Class: (unsorted if you have not joined yet)

To place a Pick Six bet, reply to the "Pick Six" thread with the form below
Pick Six
Crescent Lake:
Chocobo Farm:
Class: (unsorted if you have not joined yet)

Gysahl Greens Form
To give a chocobo a snack, please reply to the "Gysahl Greens" thread with the form below. By submitting the form, you are agreeing to pay 10 gil per snack you purchase for the chocobos.
Class: (unsorted if you have not joined yet)

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