
Oct 05, 2009 01:50


Movie Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
In Brief: One of the scariest and well made horror flicks from my youth
minerva_fan Says: "Scary Clowns are Scary”

Amazon Synopsis: Is there anything scarier than clowns? Of course not. And who knows scary better than Stephen King? You see where we're going. It puts a malevolent clown (given demented life by a powdered, red-nosed Tim Curry) front and center, as King's fat novel gets the TV-movie treatment. Even at three hours plus, the action is condensed, but an engaging Stand by Me vibe prevails for much of the running time. The seven main characters, as adolescents, conquered a force of pure evil in their Maine hometown. Now, the cackling Pennywise is back, and they must come home to fight him.

My Synopsis: Pennywise has haunted my dreams since 1990

Well scripted, brilliant performances by all and a gripping base story.
I would be highly surprised to learn that there are many of you out there that haven’t seen this movie - and if there is, go out and rent it right now… I’ll wait.

This is the kind of story that crawls under your skin and rattles around in your bones, but then I have a passion for stories about demons who know our darkest secrets.

It’s simple - but clean and powerful…

My only gripe? It really never does explain who Pennywise is - or why he’s there.

--->Warning Here There Be Spoilers<--

Some of my favorite moments included :

The scene where Eddie sprays Pennywise in the face with “Battery Acid”

The scene where the losers club drive off Henry bowers and his bully friends, saving Mike and forming the losers club.

The scene where Audra comes back from the dead lights

The scene where Beverly cold konks her boyfriend and screams at him that if he comes near her again she’ll kill him. It was a powerful moment for my favorite character - and I loved watching her finally claim her personal power and refuse to be a victim any longer.

--->End Spoilers<---

I highly recommend this movie for: Everyone… well everyone who likes to be scared. But especially for those who like an intelligent horror story.

It is a creepy carnival of a movie that showcases the growing relationship between seven childhood friends against a backdrop of blood, murder and fear - all crafted by the Master of Horror himself.

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