Recently I've been running around inside a Pipe Organ, there isn't much room inside those things and oh my god the wires! Hundreds of tiny wires! Wouldn't want to bump any of em.
Ok run may have been the wrong word to use, perhaps creeping would have been more appropriate.
We have to paint the ceiling directly over the organ pipes which is probably 3 meters above the tallest pipe. I was looking to see if it was possible to set up a scaffold through the guts of the instrument. A big NO to that idea!
We ended up cantilevering a scaffold over the top and bracing it to the walls.
Comments 2
Did you accidentally sign an AWA reclassifying your job as chimney sweep?
We have to paint the ceiling directly over the organ pipes which is probably 3 meters above the tallest pipe. I was looking to see if it was possible to set up a scaffold through the guts of the instrument. A big NO to that idea!
We ended up cantilevering a scaffold over the top and bracing it to the walls.
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