I'm done trying to be your hero, your savior or your sounding bored. I tried being nice, i got walked on, blown off and lied to. You people want a true companion, a loyal friend, get a fuckin dog. I'm putting what i want first from now on, as everyelse else is doing
typin with my left cause my right hand is all bandaged, i have 3 stiches in my right thumb on the middle knuckle, where i took a 3 sq. inch chunk of skin and muscle off with a box cutter at work yesterday, i could see the joint and everythin, it fuckin hurts. that is all, have a pleasant day
if anyone wants to make me feel better, a pet llama would be the perfect gift for this sick little man, i would name him Fernando Dertron Rodriguez The 3RD, and would ride hime everywhere, maybe its just the fever and lack of oxygen to the brain but i really want a freakin llama
ok i am really fuckin sick, weezing and coughin up black, brown and red stuffs, feels like a really fat person is sittin on my chest, other than that my week has sucked, so yeah i just wanna find me a midget and toss him/her like a medicine ball into a moving truck....that'd make me feel better
so tired, drank lots, slept little, no water, just booze and caffeine, crappy food, alot of driving........all in all it couldnt have been a better weekend
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So drivin home tonite i was flippin through the radio stations and i hear it......... the instrumental part of NIN's closer but without trent singin....whose voice you may ask, 50 Cent!!!!!!! thats right!!!!!! 50 Cent made a remix of closer with one of his crappy ghetto swag songs!!! my jaw fuckin dropped and my ciggarette fell into my lap and
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The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell! Here is how you matched up against all the levels: LevelScorePurgatory (Repenting Believers)Very LowLevel 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very LowLevel 2 (Lustful)ExtremeLevel 3 (Gluttonous)HighLevel 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very HighLevel 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)ExtremeLevel
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