WTF, Commercial?

Mar 29, 2011 13:41

There's a carpet retailer in here in Tennessee that has, for years, used little children spouting "Made in the USA" catchphrases and waving cheap plastic flags in their commercials. Well, now they've hit upon a new gimmick- claiming that their carpet was made "by the Heavenly Father." *head-desk* I sorta want to go into their business and demand ( Read more... )

rant, random silliness

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Comments 28

diebirchen March 29 2011, 19:02:16 UTC
Huh? Really? I mean, you're not making this up? Geeze Louise!


fenderlove March 29 2011, 19:05:50 UTC
God, if only it were a joke. Around here, if you don't go to one of the three major churches, you're a communist, a devil-worshipper, or both. Of course, even if you did go to one of the three largest churches, members from the other two would still claim that you were a communist, a devil-worshipper, or both. I need to get away from this place so badly.


diebirchen March 29 2011, 21:24:28 UTC
I shudder to ask, but what are the three major churches there? Moderate Lutheran here. How did you end up there? Are you sure you're not being punished for something hideous, a sort of Purgatory situation? Are they upset about all Eastern Orthodoxy: Greek, Romanian, Armenian, Russian, etc.? Is it a problem of lack of education? Is this a social demographic thing? Are you out in the intellectual sticks? I mean, it is 2011! Are you trying to relocate?


fenderlove March 30 2011, 01:55:59 UTC
The three major churches are Southern Baptist, United Methodist, and Church of Christ. There are other churches- Seventh Day Adventists and Pentacostals, mostly. I think the problem around here is a lot of insulation against outside information. Kids are taught from a young age that they should get children who don't go to their church to try to lure them into that church, usually in the form of candy. A kid brings a bag of lollipops to school and says, "You can have one if you promise to come to my church jamboree. If you take one, you have to come. If you don't and take a sucker anyway, you'll go to hell for lying!" They are completely ignorant of sects of their own religion- they probably don't even know what Lutherans are ( ... )


sueworld2003 March 29 2011, 19:05:36 UTC
Omg that sound awful. Some folks need to look around them and realsie there's a whole big new shiny world out there and not everything revolves around their god.


fenderlove March 29 2011, 19:11:37 UTC
They like their cloistered, self-loathing world, filled with fear and anger and disappointed hopes. What's sad is that a lot of people are disillusioned with their own faith around here, and there's nowhere for them to turn without being shunned by their closest family and friends, so they stay right where they are, growing bitter and hateful, lashing out at others because it makes them feel better and righteous. I mean, how many Sundays can one sit in a pew knowing that the Pastor is having an affair with the barely legal church organist and that the Sunday School teacher is hung over from Saturday night? I'd go mad.


evenstar_estel March 29 2011, 19:12:14 UTC
OH America, you're so good for LOLs. Parts of you are SO awesome and yet parts of you are so ludacris and pathetic it makes my head ache.

And you're right, and I've experienced it - some of the most devout 'Christians' are usually the ones who are the least Christ-like!


fenderlove March 29 2011, 19:17:16 UTC
I love my country, but most of the time I just want to bang my head against the keyboard 'til I see stars.

some of the most devout 'Christians' are usually the ones who are the least Christ-like!
Oh, yes, indeed. I refuse to use any businesses that advertise as such around here. I mean, if they want to be "Christianly" then they should show people through honest business practices and being good to their customers instead of just throwing words in people's faces and then doing shoddy work.


paratti March 29 2011, 19:45:03 UTC
You really have to get out of there to somewhere sane.


fenderlove March 29 2011, 21:17:01 UTC
I really, really do.


(The comment has been removed)

fenderlove March 30 2011, 01:42:59 UTC
My mom has already put a kibosh on the Zeus sign. She fears that our yard and house would be vandalized, and she's likely right ( ... )


txvoodoo March 30 2011, 03:56:59 UTC
I guess that's the only thing good about Texas - lots of Catholics. Mostly Latino, though, so sort of looked down upon.

All moot for me, seeing as I'm atheist. (Scott won't even say he's that, because it means he believes there's no god, and he doesn't want to believe in ANYTHING! hehe)


fenderlove March 30 2011, 04:18:10 UTC
Heehee, that reminds me of a scene from Metalocalypse:
Nathan Explosion: So, where are we now?
Pickles the Drummer: This is the church of the atheists. They don't, uh, believe in God.
Nathan Explosion: Oh, like Toki and Skwisgaar?
Skwisgaar Skwigelf: No, we are nihilists. We don't believe in anything.
Nathan Explosion: But can't nihilists also... not... believe in god... too?
Skwisgaar Skwigelf: Well, I, uh... I don't know. No. They won't let you.


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