WTF, Commercial?

Mar 29, 2011 13:41

There's a carpet retailer in here in Tennessee that has, for years, used little children spouting "Made in the USA" catchphrases and waving cheap plastic flags in their commercials. Well, now they've hit upon a new gimmick- claiming that their carpet was made "by the Heavenly Father." *head-desk* I sorta want to go into their business and demand that their carpet better not only be resistant to wine spills but should turn water into more wine to refill my glass.

There are a lot of businesses around here that use the tactic of claiming to be a "Christian business," but they are the ones most likely to cheat and gouge their customers. I told one fellow who owned such an establishment (that had improperly installed tires to my mother's van and then refused to fix it), "I wouldn't care if you said you were a Satanic business as long as you did the job correctly!" He acted like I had slapped him and then got all holy-roller on me for "daring" to mention the "S-word" (No, Mr. Connery, that's not swords. :D) in his Christianly business.

Of course, I had the lady who owns the local Christian bookstore throw a loaf of bread at my face in Wal-Mart because she said that my Greek Orthodox cross was a "mark of the Beast" and that I was "one of the damned!" I don't know why I didn't just walk away, but I tried to explain to her to calm her down.

Me: No, it's just an Eastern Orthodox cross.
Her: Eastern? *gasps* Terrorist!
Me: It's Eastern Orthodox Catholicism.
Her: *starts wringing her hands and shouting* CATHOLIC DEVIL! DEMON! DEMON!

God, I hate this place so much. One of these days, I'm going to go to the print shop and have a small yard sign made that reads "ZEUS" in big bold san-serif letters to combat the huge amount of "JESUS" signs that people have in their yards. Yes, neighbours, Jesus is going to care more about a useless plastic sign in your yard than the fact that you treat others like garbage.

rant, random silliness

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