Challenge #278 ~ Transformation

Jul 15, 2011 00:03

Challenge #277 is now officially over! Congrats to our participant this week, ana_khouri★, minerva_fan★, olivia_j★and orlidepp★!

This week's challenge is: Transformation.

And don't forget about our Fairy Tales drabble cycle!

Also, I know there was some confusion about when exactly in July Academia was finishing off, and since I gave you guys basically no warning I figured it would be fairest to give people until the end of July (so, the 31st is your deadline, basically). Don't forget to drop me a line if you've finished so I know to add you to the list! And, of course, if you're hardcore and think you can finish it in two weeks (or if you just want to get as many done as you want), you can still put in a claim.

Standard comm rules apply to the weekly challenge - 100 words (or no more than 250), any f/f pairing, any fandom. Due by midnight of next Thursday (see the userinfo for complete rules). Also, for this challenge please remember to tag your entries 'challenge278' as well as 'author: yourname', 'fandom: yourfandom' and, if applicable, 'crossover'.

Finally, as I'm sure many of you have noticed, recently the challenges have been posted by the wonderful olivia_j. While I'm not really abandoning LJ, I am moving myself into a sort of perma-lurker mode, so she'll be your capable mod for the foreseeable future. You've been an excellent comm for me, and I have no doubt you'll be an excellent comm for her too (and vice-versa)! I'll still be around to finish up with the Academia challenge, but everything else ought to be directed to her.

Peace & good luck!

admin, challenge278, challenges

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