Prompt: Politics
Fandom: Homestuck
Pairing: Kanaya/Feferi
Rating: G
Word count: 225
"I would take up arms for you," Kanaya says as she and Feferi watch the moons set over the ocean. The two of them are sitting in a tide pool, she perched on a rock, the princess immersed in the water.
"Don't worry about it, Canary Fish," says Feferi. "That's what I have Glbgolyb for."
"I mean if your ascent to the throne were not destined to be preempted by Armageddon."
"Oh, that! That's sweet of you to say, but you and I both know how that will go down. It's why we swim in the same school in the first place."
"You would have been a wise and just ruler," Kanaya argues She frowns slightly as she speaks; she did not broach this topic with the intention of arguing. "I would have stood by your reforms regardless of-"
"Splash!" Feferi shouts happily. "Splash!" The interruption startles Kanaya out of her train of thought. She is confused until she realizes that the moons have just hit the water on the horizon, one after the other. Feferi turns to her with a sheepish grin. "Sorry. It's fun to pretend."
Kanaya looks on uneasily as the black ocean swallows up the mingling magenta and jade green light. She knows that Feferi is comfortable with the dark. Most trolls are comfortable with the dark.
"Right," she says. "Fun."