Academia: Literature (Homestuck, Kanaya/Rose)

Mar 04, 2011 22:37

Prompt: Literature
Fandom: Homestuck
Pairing: Kanaya/Rose
Rating: PG
Word count: 150

"'You are exactly my brand of heroine,'" said Kanaya.

"Get out of my bed," said Rose.

A look of utter devastation came over Kanaya's features. She began disentangling herself from the sheets. Rose groaned. "That was hyperbolic language, Kanaya."

Relief sprang onto Kanaya's face, but with it an offended pout. "You can't tell when I'm not typing it, but I added an 'e' onto the end of 'heroin,'" she told Rose. "I thought it was clever."

"It isn't clever if I can't tell."

Kanaya continued pouting. Rose knew how to fix that; she kissed her. When their lips parted, Kanaya's were curled into a dreamy smile, and Rose's into their old familiar smirk.

"Honestly, Kanaya," Rose chided gently, "after all these years, you should know better than to take me so seriously. 'You and I are too wise to woo peaceably.'"

"Human William Shakespeare," said Kanaya.

"Purification ritual," said Rose.

fandom: homestuck, drabble cycle: academia, author: ember_reignited

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