remainder: #33 ~ punishment

Oct 25, 2005 00:35

Title: woman to woman
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Cain/Six, Cain/Roslin
Rating: M, warning for RAPE
Word count: 200+234
A/N: linked @ bsg_femslash ~ this owes a debt of inspiration to recent Cainslash by deborah_judge and grace_om

SPOILERS for 2x10 )

challenge33, challenge40

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Comments 19

aeonian October 28 2005, 03:42:46 UTC
I couldn't resist.

(1) Ow.

(2) I love evil Roslin so much.


projectcyborg October 28 2005, 03:55:25 UTC
this will make so much more sense to you when you're caught up to 2x10. are you getting the YSI links (I just sent #4)?

but eeeee I'm so happy I have an evil Roslin buddy because I think most of the fandom would find this totally OOC. notice how nobody has commented. I think I scared them. I like to believe it has some basis in fanon, or that I at least suggested that bad shit may have gone down to seriously piss off Roslin in between 1 and 2. which is really all one can do in a drabble. but when you get to 2x10 you will see why this rapefic had to be done omg!

thank you for reading and hurting and loving!


aeonian October 28 2005, 05:13:46 UTC
Well, I only started watching BSG because I read the recap of 2.10 on TWOP, so I understand this in a minor way. I'm getting the YSI links just fine--I watched the first 3 episodes last night, and spent all day running back and forth to my computer, seeing if the next episode came in. :x

I think most of the fandom would find this totally OOC.

If so, I have one word for the fandom: airlocks. I love Roslin like crazy, but she's as cruel and manipulative as anyone else.

notice how nobody has commented. I think I scared them.
Maybe they're just afraid you'll put a gun up their ladyparts.


I *heart* airlocks projectcyborg November 23 2005, 17:07:44 UTC
oh, so MY recommendation isn't enough for you, is that it?! you won't listen to me, but you'll listen to some stranger at TWoP??

Maybe they're just afraid you'll put a gun up their ladyparts.

heh, judging by my writing of late, this would not be an unreasonable assumption. but I'm so nice in RL, I swear!


altorogue October 28 2005, 05:15:31 UTC
Oh dear lord, that's disturbing and evil but oh so well done. :D

I wouldn't see her like this at all, but after having read this I can understand. It's a part of her we don't see at all- she must have a darker side somewhere . . .


projectcyborg October 29 2005, 17:54:16 UTC
eeeeee, so happy you can appreciate my evil!Roslin! she's under so much pressure from all sides, and holding up so strong, and willing to be unscrupulous if she needs to -- you have to wonder what it would take for her to really snap. how I adore dark women. thanks so much for the feedback!


scribewraith October 28 2005, 11:58:03 UTC
wow, and ouch!
It's lovely and dark.


projectcyborg October 29 2005, 17:53:57 UTC
thank you so much! I know it's creepy, so I'm really glad you (some people) enjoyed it.


(The comment has been removed)

projectcyborg June 14 2006, 16:55:50 UTC
eeep, I missed this comment somehow! I'm gearing up to write more Cain/Gina, so I'm really happy to check back here and see that you liked this one. I miss evil!Roslin! yay.


mariannesquee September 8 2006, 04:14:43 UTC
Gosh darn it!
I can totally see #1 happening. It's really well written too, very raw.
And obviously. Evil!Roslin is hot like no bodies business. And it's not evil really, not when it's her!


projectcyborg September 8 2006, 21:28:50 UTC
oh, I miss evil Roslin! mmmmmmm. I'm glad you liked the drabbles. there's been so much wonderful violent fic written about Cain -- I just wrote a story for getyourtoaster that's essentially an expansion of the first one.


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