Bright Lights Fall Upon Her

Aug 22, 2010 19:57

Title: Bright Lights Fall Upon Her
Prompt: #243 - Bright
Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada/Heroes
Pairing: Andy/Miranda
Rating: G
Word count: 250
Notes: Sequel to Attack In this AU, Andy is the youngest member of the Petrelli family. Timeline: a year or two later after Andy left in Paris; Heroes season 3.
Summary: Andy and Miranda are not falling; ( Read more... )

challenge243, fandom: heroes, author: amles80, challenge250, fandom: the devil wears prada

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Comments 2

carinjo August 23 2010, 09:15:07 UTC
that was so romantic. taking the woman of your dreams for a little nighttime flight amongst the stars and telling her you missed her. sweet!


amles80 August 23 2010, 15:19:13 UTC
Yeah, sometimes I believe that the only purpose of fiction is to bring a little romance into this world... ;) Thanks for reading!


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