
Aug 21, 2010 18:59

Title: Attack
Prompt: #249 - Attack
Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada/Heroes
Pairing: Andy/Miranda implied
Rating: PG
Word count: 250
Notes: Sequel to Someone You Care About. In this AU, Andy is the youngest member of the Petrelli family. Timeline: a year or two later after Andy left in Paris; Heroes season 3.
Summary: Rebel sent Andy a text message, telling her to help Miranda. Andy does her best…

Andy had never met Rebel, and didn’t know a thing about him or her, but she knew this: what her brother was doing to their kind was wrong. She had tried to tell him that, and Peter had tried, but it was like talking to a wall.

“You will be safe”, Nathan promised her, “and Ma and Claire - but I don’t want any of you to do something stupid.”

Nathan was the stupid one. That’s why Andy did her best to help Rebel.

Andy stayed in the bathroom, and she didn’t have to wait for long.

She heard the stamping sound of determined feet; Danko’s men.
Andy opened the door when they had passed; she saw their dark backs as they entered Miranda’s office.

Seven armed men, Andy said to herself, against one defenceless woman - that’s pathetic!

Of course, she didn’t know if Miranda was defenceless - if Rebel knew about her and these men wanted to get her, then she must have an ability. What could it be? Andy hadn’t even known that Miranda had an ability at all.

She heard Miranda scream out loud, and that’s when she attacked the attackers.

She ran in full speed into Miranda’s room, ran past the surprised men, grabbed Miranda with one hand and opened the window with another.

“What the - ?”

“Don’t shoot - that’s the sister!”

“Danko doesn’t give a damn about the sister; get them!”

The window was open, Miranda followed her up on the windowsill and then she screamed.

To be continued...

fandom: heroes, crossover, author: amles80, challenge250, fandom: the devil wears prada, challenge249

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