Title: Someone You Care About
Prompt: #246 - Simple
Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada/Heroes
Characters: Andy, Angela, Miranda, “Rebel” (Andy/Miranda implied)
Rating: G
Word count: 250
Notes: Sequel to
Loyalty. In this AU, Andy is the youngest member of the Petrelli family. Timeline: a year or two later after Andy left in Paris; Heroes season 3.
Summary: Andy was going to see her former boss, because her mother had warned her the same morning: “Someone you care about is in danger. Tonight.”
Andy was going to see her former boss, because her mother had warned her the same morning: “Someone you care about is in danger. Tonight.”
Angela didn’t mention any names, she just looked at Andy as if she should understand.
Now she was having second thoughts. Why would this person be Miranda? If it was Miranda; why would her mother care? Judging by Miranda’s reaction the time she found out Andy’s real name, Andy figured that whatever had happened between the two women, they weren’t exactly good friends.
And Andy and Miranda weren’t exactly good friends either; not after Paris.
“What do you mean?”, she had asked, but her mother just shook her head.
“That’s all I can say.”
“But mom”, Andy tried, but Angela cut her off:
“I said: That’s all.”
So that’s one thing they’ve got in common, Andy thought as she entered the Elias Clarke building; it was late, but she had talked to Roy and knew that Miranda was still working.
And yet she hesitated when she entered the empty office. There was no one on Emily’s place, or on her old place. Andy went to the bathroom, and she was thinking about leaving unseen when she got a message.
Don’t leave. Miranda’s in the building - they’re coming for her!/Rebel.
Andy gasped and stared at her phone.
If Rebel cared about Miranda, then her mother had been right - she was in danger.
The choice was simple: Andy was going to see Miranda again, and save her.