Bright Lights Fall Upon Her

Aug 22, 2010 19:57

Title: Bright Lights Fall Upon Her
Prompt: #243 - Bright
Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada/Heroes
Pairing: Andy/Miranda
Rating: G
Word count: 250
Notes: Sequel to Attack In this AU, Andy is the youngest member of the Petrelli family. Timeline: a year or two later after Andy left in Paris; Heroes season 3.
Summary: Andy and Miranda are not falling; the stars are bright above them…

They didn’t fall.

The only thing that fell was Miranda’s voice as she realized that they did the exact opposite of falling.

Andy held her in her arms as she put more distance between them and the bright lights of the city beneath them, and took them closer to the bright stars above them.

Neither of them spoke. Not until Andy landed on soft grass between huge maples in a park.

“You can fly.”

Andy nodded.

“Yes. This was not how I imagined meeting you again…”

Andy looked at the silver haired woman; it was dark and she couldn’t see her clearly, and they had never been alone in the dark before. She didn’t know what to say, but told her:

“I’ve missed you.”

“You’re full of surprises, Andrea”, Miranda said, and her voice was trembling a little. “First you’re the best assistant I ever had, then you walk out on me in Paris, and I don’t hear a single word from you - and then you come running like that, saving me, and you fly.”

“I thought”, Andy said carefully, “that you were angry; that you didn’t want to see me again or hear anything from me… But I couldn’t let them hurt you. I couldn’t let them take you away.”

It wasn’t easy to see the expression on Miranda’s face in the darkness under the trees, but Andy could see her eyes; they were bright as shining lights.

Yes, she had missed feeling those bright lights fall upon her.

To be continued...

challenge243, fandom: heroes, author: amles80, challenge250, fandom: the devil wears prada

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