Tank Girl (movieverse), Tank/Jet

Apr 02, 2008 23:50

Prompt: Challenge 143 - technology
Fandom: Tank Girl (movieverse)
Pairing: Tank (Rebecca)/Jet
Rating: er... Rish? Sex!
Word count: 200 (according to my one program, and I'm too sleepy to count)

It always amazes Jet that Rebecca, whose approach to technology and machines is to beat them, kick them, and use a certain amount of brute force that shouldn't work (yet often does) can be disturbingly gentle in bed.

She can also be fierce and even somewhat violent there. But the violence she uses is different, more subdued. Or maybe she's learned to adjust herself--perhaps she figured out long ago that Jet wasn't all that into force, and needed careful hands and long kisses (the hickey bruises were another matter entirely).

It's not all gentle, though, and variety makes her grateful. Jet can recall more than a few times she came, screaming Rebecca's name and clawing at the sheets (or the wall, or the sand under her ass), sweat soaking her and the dirt and stone scraping against her back. Or that time it was face-down over a table, the wood pressing into her skin and Rebecca's fingers and mouth working her over until her legs were jelly and she could barely stand.

With her ears still ringing, Jet will grab for Rebecca, returning the intensity in full until they're both exhausted.

fandom: tank girl, author: lyssie, challenge143

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