Challenge #117 - ghost

Aug 15, 2007 00:07

Title: Touch
Author: aaronlisa
Prompt: challenge #117 - ghost
Fandom: Dark Angel
Pairing: Max/Original Cindy
Rating: FR13
Word count: 167
A/N: Set during Season One.

She’s straight, of that much she’s certain of. But Max can’t really explain the way that she feels when Original Cindy touches her. It’s barely a touch, but she can still feel it, she can still feel the way her skin pebbles with goose bumps as she shivers from that barely-there touch. It’s not even a real touch, it’s just an accident as Original Cindy had bumped into her since Crash is so full, but that ghost of a touch on the bare skin on the base of her back has filled with her desire. It’s worse than any of the heats that she’s gone through and she wants to push her friend up against the wall and kiss her. Before she can, Original Cindy has already seen someone and is approaching her, leaving Max alone with Sketchy. Max schools her features and tries not to look that she was affected by Original Cindy’s touch and she laughs a little too loudly at Sketchy’s joke in response.


author: aaronlisa, challenge117, fandom: dark angel

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