Whoosh - Harry Potter, Hooch/Tonks, PG

May 01, 2007 16:01

Title: Whoosh
Prompt: Challenge Tag 2 - Breeze - requested by tattooedsappho
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hooch/Tonks
Rating: PG
Word count: 234
A/N: It's rather light femslash, but this is all I could do in under 250 words.

The last week of school Hogwarts braced itself for the undisguised glee of magical teenagers about to graduate. This year seemed to be shaping up wilder than any in close memory. There was scarcely a hidden room or an out-of-the-way grove that hadn't been subjected to some form of drunken revels, and bearing the mark in the form of empty bottles, discarded knickers, and half-formed hexes left pestering the mice. Something had to be done.

It was a clear night, and music and laughter was already pealing unchecked throughout the grounds. Professor McGonagall was in the principal's office, as Filch was bringing in student after student. Madame Hooch flew around the castle, dropping in by the principal's window every now and then to report.

She was around the northernmost tower when there was a giggle and a whoosh above. She looked up just in time to see a silhoutte against the moon, a slender girl with wild hair on a racing broomstick, naked as the day she was born. A split second was all it took before Hooch collected herself and rushed after the culprit, but a split second later was too late, and the girl disappeared back inside the bowels of the castle through an open window.

Flying back to the top, she found herself laughing. She remembered youth, and could not say, in the end, that she hadn’t rather enjoyed the reminder.


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