drabbletag2: Firefly :: River/Inara

Mar 20, 2007 00:02

FANDOM: Firefly
PAIRING: River/Inara

River knows they all hear music, of a kind. An inadequate
term. Perhaps the heart of the ship, the concadence
of those who love it loving it well, for they do. Perhaps
something else. Beyond the men. Subtlety. Something permeative
and grand, finding its way in pinpricks from steel to insteps,
calves, the bases of spines. Manifest within them all,
creating the illusion of interstices where none in truth exist.
She, synergy. She, resonant. She, haven.

The men blend. River forgets them, follows the pellucid
harmonics down to the cargo bay. They swell and burst
within her as Inara returns.


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