drabbletag: Doctor Who: Leela/Romana

Mar 18, 2007 20:55

FANDOM: Doctor Who
PAIRING: Leela/Romana

Skin against skin; wet with exertion. Leela rolls away and
concentrates on her breathing. Replete. Romana uses the time to
calculate the relation of their respective colours. In Fibonacci terms;
she is one, Leela eight, zero the sheet beneath them.
It irks her, faintly, that she cannot see Leela's eyes,
place them in the spectrum. Thirteen, perhaps. Higher, in the
resin glow thrown by the stained-glass windows the warrior
likes so much.

She understands why Andred finds this ritual strange and
enervating; less why Leela has sought her help.
Courtesy demands she oblige; there is little harm in it.



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