challenge 91 - prudence

Nov 16, 2006 18:36

Title: Send Me A Postcard
Prompt: #91 - Prudence
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy / Lost
Pairing: Addison / Juliet
Rating: G
Word count: 250
Spoiler: I am unspoiled, so anything other than the Lost 3.07 episode title (“Not In Portland”) is pure, dumb spec from a first-time poster (Hi!).

...postcard... )

author: liz_estrada, crossover, fandom: grey's anatomy, fandom: lost, challenge91

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Comments 5

runwithscizzors November 18 2006, 05:18:59 UTC
Oh yay, Juliet totally needs some femslashy action, and Addison is a perfect choice. I can see these two together very easily, especially the way you wrote it. If only Addison had gone, she would be awesome for the baby snatching part of the others.


liz_estrada November 28 2006, 19:09:48 UTC
Crossover, ABC! Do it! Please? No? *mopes*

Thanks for reading. :)


projectcyborg November 21 2006, 02:28:57 UTC
ah, brilliant intertextual pairing, the two ob/gyns! knowing what happens after makes it so sinister and heartbreaking.


liz_estrada November 28 2006, 19:11:11 UTC
Yeah, I don't know who had it worse - Juliet with Ben or Addie with McDouchebag.

Thanks for the comment. :)


greenovalfruit December 2 2007, 01:16:36 UTC
Hi! A community I mod has just opened up for submissions and I'd like to ask if you'd -pretty please- repost this there? It's a femslash crossover community - cross_my_heart. It's only a baby comm but it's growing! Also, if you happened to have any other wonderful crossover fics lying around, they'd be very happily received. Must keep this quick, not meaning to sneak in on femslash100.

But if you're interested, please go join! Addison/Juliet is one of my favourite crossovers and I'd really like to see this posted there!


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